What Is It About Music?

My cousin and his wife went to see Coldplay in concert. He texted me a few videos and wrote, “Great show, you feel good after.”  The videos showed people tossing around large beach balls and singing along with the band. It looked like a lot of fun! Concertgoers wore light-up bracelets controlled by the band in the huge venue, making it a magical scene. It got me thinking…

What is it about music that affects us? And what makes going to concerts so enjoyable? I have driven hundreds of miles just to see my favorite bands perform and had amazing times listening to the music, memories that last long after the concert is over. So what is it about music that affects us so much? My overactive brain wanted to know.



As a singer/songwriter, I cannot go throughout my day without music. Ever since I could remember I was singing and enjoyed listening to music on the radio. It became a fiber of who I am. If I’m listening to a happy song, I feel happy. The same is true if I listen to a sad song, it makes me think about something sad. We are emotionally connected to music, and it’s not just the words. I could listen to an instrumental piece and feel the sad emotions, like this beautiful piece of music by Jurrivh, Crying Alone.

The opposite is this instrumental cover of the Maroon 5 song, Girls Like You by Brooklyn Duo. You can feel the positive energy coming from the musicians. It makes you feel happy.

And this piece by James Todd, Quiet Beauty, evokes a peaceful, solemn feeling.  Whenever I hear this song by the Grateful Dead, Scarlet Begonias, I feel relaxed, and wonderful, and want to dance. But then this song by Metallica, Master of Puppets gets me riled up and makes me want to move and do something!

So, how does music create a feeling in us? We can’t touch it or hold it, but it’s something so powerful that it can change or move us. That’s magic to me.

I could listen to music and it will take me back to a time and place and I am there again. I mean, I am really there! It’s amazing! Music has that kind of power to transport us to that memory in our minds.

But does everyone feel this way about music? I’m not sure, but I know there are family members who don’t feel the same way as I do about music. Christmas, to me, is a time for music. There are so many beautiful Christmas songs from the classics to new songs and smooth jazz versions, that there is something for everyone. My mother didn’t like music during Christmas dinner and the festivities. It always made me sad. I couldn’t wait till I had my own home and played as much music as I like – and boy do I do that now! When my mother got into my car, she’d tell me to shut off the radio. Needless to say, I didn’t take many car trips with her. I never understood that because growing up she’s occasionally listened to Bobby Vinton, the Bee Gees, or B.B. King. I was always confused about her and music.

I just think music is one of the best gifts life has to offer, coming in second to the feeling of love. It’s magical and has the power to transcend us into feeling differently depending on the music.

What kind of music do you like to listen to? I’d love to know.

Peace and love,
