What Eva!

Recently, I’ve adopted this mindset of what eva. Yes, it’s whatever spelled differently for effect. It’s how the sassy girls say it. And even though I’m not sassy, I can use it too. So, what eva!


The “what eva” mindset is when you don’t let things get to you or bring you down.  Watching the news and reality shows like 20/20 or Dateline affected me, and I had a hard time thinking, “what eva” when I learned that someone’s house burnt down or saw a reenactment of a family horror. I had to stop watching them. Yep, I get the big news stories from my guy, usually told comically (if it’s not sad), and occasionally I’ll have the news on waiting for the weather.  The news is addictive if you like drama and want to stay in a perpetual state of negative stimulation.

Focusing on each thought is rough, I know. Our minds are sophisticated computers and can be programmed to be in the present moment. That’s when we get to choose to think, “what eva.” When we think “what eva,” guess what happens? The tension leaves your shoulders, and you get into a relaxed state. Of course, the more wound up you are (like me), the more focus you need to achieve that “what eva” mindset. But trust me, if I can do it, anyone can. And I excel at overthinking!

Say “what eva” when get someone else’s mail in your mailbox for the third time in a month or when you accidentally drop a bowl, and it breaks.  Oh well, those things happen and we need to move on from it quickly to feel that state of less tension and stress. Sometimes you’re better off saying “what eva” to something when you put too much on your to-do list, and you feel overwhelmed.

Speaking of stress… It’s not good. It does things to the body that we don’t even think about. It can age us prematurely and make us feel ailments.  Once you get a handle on keeping stress at bay by adopting the “what eva” attitude, you can pretty much deal with anything and be okay. Now don’t go crazy with this secret and be a “what eva” person to everything. Then you’ll be a jerk, and nobody wants that.


Did you know listening to music is like saying “what eva” to what’s going on around you? The rest of the world fades into the background, and you focus on the present moment, listening to the song, the music, and lyrics. I can feel relaxed listening to Metallica or “Mother” by Danzig. Sure, I get pumped up listening to those songs, but it’s enjoyable to me, so I’m as relaxed as if I listened to smooth jazz or The Grateful Dead. It’s because I’m in the present moment.

I challenge you to use “what eva” once today to something that would typically irritate, bother or stress you out. See how you feel doing it.


What are some things you say “what eva” to your life?

Thank you for reading this.

To saying “what eva” a lot more,
