What Are You Worth?

You probably know your credit score, but what’s your value? Not how much is in your bank account or how much you help others, but to ask, “What am I worth?” That’s where you’ll get the truth.

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When we know our worth, we choose better. We make fast, intelligent decisions that serve our greater good. Essentially, we live who we are.  I know that might sound far out there, but humor me and keep reading.

As newborn babies, we come with a set of DNA we got from our parents, and our brains inherit the environment in which we live. Everything we are, we get from our experiences. But —- I believe we also have a soul, the essence of who we are. What do we like? Dislike? What fills us with so much joy and feels like we’re walking on air. The weight is gone. It’s just pure bliss. Sounds like a pipe dream, but it’s not. That’s who we are. Where we get our gifts and desires, I’m not sure. But they are solely ours.

Source: Perficient Blogs

That’s why there’s conflict in families because every person is different. If a parent communicates to their child that they must do and like what they like, or they attempt to make the child into someone they’re not, that’s for the sake of the parent’s bliss, not the child’s. This child can mature into an adult full of low self-worth because they believe (from repeated messages) that they are not enough and need to change everything they are to please their parent. If you are a parent, please don’t do that. Let your child live who they are. Don’t force your ideals and wants on them.

Asking what I am worth helps you connect with your soul to find you.

How much we value ourselves is how much we are worth. If we value ourselves, we know that our worth is enough. If we value ourselves, we know our worth is beyond any measure we could think of. When we value ourselves, we protect our worth and glide through life, living our lives instead of watching life go by.

Yeah, I know this is heavy, and I really wanted to write a more comical post today, but I was inspired by this idea of self-value when I woke up this morning.

I know not many people are introspective or want to be introspective, and that’s okay. I write these posts for those of us who want to evolve and be happy people. However, when it becomes not okay is when people who are hurt or broken spread their misery and don’t even realize they are hurt or broken or causing any harm to others. Sadly, we can’t help someone who doesn’t want help. Remember that.

Know your worth. Figure out your value. Take a piece of paper and write down what you think gives you value. Seeing it on paper makes it real and reinforces the ideas in your mind. It’s an easy thing to do but so powerful, but guess what? Once you know your value, you won’t accept anything less than what you want. All of a sudden, things are looking up because you accept yourself for who you are and know you are so precious just for being yourself. This is a powerful exercise, especially if you feel trapped or burdened. It will allow you to see the things that make you happy and will help you to gravitate toward them.

My Value

Let me leave you with one last thought about this subject. Remember when you were a child, and you liked something? Maybe you loved to tinker with wood or felt free to sing because it made you happy or felt loved and respected. That’s your soul, your value. It’s still inside you, but it’s quiet from years of louder things taking over, like responsibilities, work, and pressures from society to live a certain way.

You need to turn up the volume on your soul a little more and make it even with those other things that we have to do as adults. Then there’s a balance, and we’re happy people who can spread happiness and love (because we love ourselves) instead of misery. Did you ever interact with a miserable person? I have, and it’s not pleasant.

We all have value. Believe that. Think that. Be who you are. You are worthy of happiness. You are worthy of love.

To knowing your worth,
