What Are You Thinking?


We think around 70,000 thoughts per day (according to Healthy Brains.org.)  So what are we thinking about? And here’s the thing, we need to be living in the present moment to recall what we’re thinking. Otherwise, we’re off thinking with no rudder. When you do catch yourself thinking, what are you thinking?

That answer will let you know if you’re having positive thoughts or negative ones. I used to catch myself thinking negative thoughts all the time. I knew it was unhealthy, but it seemed like I couldn’t help it. I’d have limited beliefs about myself when I applied for a job. I used to think there was no way I was going to get it because there was someone younger or more qualified than me.  I’d discount my chance before I got any response from the place I applied. Wow! I know! Thank God for helping me get through and over that.

When I paid attention to my thoughts, I realized just how many were negative. Paying attention to what you’re thinking will help you determine whether your thoughts are healthy or not. Only then can we get to work changing them.

I accomplished changing my negative thoughts by replacing the thought with something positive. After a car accident a few years ago, I was terrified to drive. I eventually overcame that fear and have been driving fine. Sometimes, though, before I left the house, I would have this micro vision of a car accident, and I’d panic. Then I’d think negative thoughts like I better tidy the house in case I don’t come back. It was rough but typical after a horrible experience. Regardless, I didn’t want to think those thoughts!

I tried the rubber band method, where you put a rubber band on your wrist and snap it when you have a negative thought, but that didn’t work. I forgot it was on my wrist and didn’t snap it. I had to come up with something else to train my brain to think better thoughts.

What worked for me was to replace the negative thought with a positive one. I told myself over and over for weeks before I left the house, “I’m safe. All the other cars are safe. It’s safe to drive.” A destructive negative thought still tries to sneak into my head, but it’s less frequent. I catch those pesky thoughts quickly now and replace them with a positive, healthy thought. It’s becoming a habit for me and is getting easier and easier to manage.

I also wore a bracelet with “You’re a badass” engraved inside. I felt more powerful wearing it, like it was a Wonder Woman bracelet that deflected pain. I did what I believed would work to keep me locked in the present moment and pay more attention to my thoughts.

Hey, you do you. Do whatever works to help you keep track of your thoughts. I’m only writing what helped me change my thoughts to change my life.

What you think is everything. Our thoughts guide our lives, not outside circumstances. Everything that happens gets processed through our minds. Then, we live according to the script created by our core beliefs.

I keep writing about this subject because it’s the way to change, and real change is not easy. However, the results make up for any pain or suffering you went through. Just remember a time when something happened, and you were very upset. You thought you wouldn’t get past it, and you did. If you want to change and live happily, you have to do the work to take control of your thinking.

Change the script. Change your life.

Thank you for reading this. I hope you think good thoughts! Please comment below if you like these ideas.

To Thinking,
