Taking the Gold!


Olympic athletes work super hard to attain excellence. You need to be the best to win the gold at the Olympics.

Let’s take the gold in our lives.



That means

we need to put ourselves first.

we have to focus on what makes us feel happy.

we need to believe we deserve it.


Put Ourselves First

Remember a time when you did what you wanted to do. It could be some small thing, but it made you feel good. Hold on to that thought and realize that you felt like that because you put yourself first. You weren’t hurting anyone. You put yourself at the front of the line, and it felt great! Think before you do something. Ask yourself, Is this what I want to be doing at this moment? You will surprise yourself with the answers, and those answers are going to help you bring home the gold in taking care of yourself!


Focus On What Makes Us Feel Happy

We all know the difference when we’re doing something we want to do and what we think we have to do. It’s incredible how much of our focus is blurred by our past experiences and learned beliefs. Our parents or caretakers groomed us to grow up a certain way – the way they saw it to be right. Even the most loving parents, who have the best intentions for their kids, guide through their lens and beliefs. What we think is our happiness might just be a comfortable fate we inherited from our parents.

To find out what makes you happy, take a little time to think about it. Write down what you like or want to do with your life. Find out who you are, and then figure out what makes you happy and focus on that!


Believe We Deserve It

The athletes who take home the gold medal saw it happening long before they ever stood on the platform to receive the coveted medallion. Sure, they knew the sacrifices it would take to achieve that level of skill and expertise. They also knew that they had to see themselves receiving the gold by visualizing it. Visualization is a powerful tool for changing a circumstance. When we see it in our mind’s eye, our subconscious mind begins to believe that it is the truth and works on making it happen.

I learned from reading The Secret book by Rhonda Bryne that if you concentrate on something, it will come to pass. One example was thinking you’re going to get a great parking spot in front of the mall. You visualize this excellent parking spot, and you will gravitate towards it. It works. I’ve done it with traffic where I think the road is clear and traffic is moving well. I see an empty road, and it happens! It’s amazing.

To apply that to our lives, simply think of the thing you want for your life and see it happening. And use the senses. What does it look like down to the most minute details? Are there any sounds? Is there anything that has a smell or taste? Think of that.  The more specific, the better. I visualize being in our dream house during the construction of it, and I can hear the saws going on and smell the cut wood. I also see myself speaking to the general contractor with assertiveness, and he listens and respects me. I see it in great detail and believe it’s going to happen because I believe I deserve it.

It appears simple, and it is. The hard part is training our minds to think in a new way. This is different and can be scary because you may be going against what you learned most of your life.

Hey, we deserve the gold. I know contests reward the best, those who are exceptional, worthy, etc., but life isn’t a contest. We all deserve excellence, no matter what that looks like. One person’s excellence might be waking up early each day, and another’s may be having lots of friends to do stuff with or having the money to buy a farm. Whatever. It’s all up to us to decide what it is that makes us happy.  And then work towards that.

I didn’t always understand the saying; life is a journey, not a destination, but I get it now. It means we have to enjoy every moment, not when we think we’ll be happy when we get somewhere or get something or achieve something. Let’s be happy now. Enjoy the journey. That’s all we really have.

Thank you for reading this. We all deserve gold medals in our lives because we do so much. We survived a lot and kept going. We don’t give up. Those who feel that life got away from them and believe they don’t have anything else to offer it anymore have been programmed by the wrong program. The great news is that we can change our programs!

Go for the gold for yourself. You deserve it. 

To taking the gold,
