Hey Angel!

The song “Workin’ Them Angels” by Rush inspired this blog today. It’s a fantastic song with fantastic lyrics by the late, great Neil Peart. For me, Rush is the goat of rock music. They are on another level than traditional rock n’ roll music. Here are a few lyrics from the song to see the depth […]

Are We Actors or Players?

My husband and I went to see a friend’s band play live on an outdoor deck at a bar/restaurant. Before we got there, rain had hit hard, and all the tables not under a roof got soaked. We found two dry seats in an upstairs area that was partially covered. We couldn’t hear the band […]

Forget About Perfect

My mother makes this incredible cream for her banana cream pie. It is decadent and loaded with calories and fat—the yummy kind of dessert. I made it for Mother’s Day this year. While beating the homemade whipped cream, I had to taste it, you know, for quality control. It was delicious. Didn’t think about the […]

You Can Pass

    Many of us feel a sense of obligation to family, friends, our jobs, etc. I’m here to tell you that you can pass on that if you want. Some of the things we can pass on are wasting time and getting sucked into drama. If you’re doing something you don’t want to be […]

Do You Know What You Are Worth?

We are not born knowing how to respect ourselves. That comes from external circumstances and experiences. Maybe the horoscope signs have a little effect too. I write that because I’ve read about horoscope signs and the traits of those born under the sign. Sometimes, it’s spot on, especially with the Leo sign. Almost every single […]

Are You Settling?

When we settle for something in our lives, whether that’s a relationship, a job, or a friend, we’re telling ourselves that we don’t deserve anything better. What a sad state of affairs. Let’s find a way to immediately wipe those insecure and self-defeating thoughts out of our heads! It’s not a  suggestion. This is real […]