Do You Know What You Are Worth?

We are not born knowing how to respect ourselves. That comes from external circumstances and experiences. Maybe the horoscope signs have a little effect too. I write that because I’ve read about horoscope signs and the traits of those born under the sign. Sometimes, it’s spot on, especially with the Leo sign. Almost every single […]

Rushin’ Roulette

While watching Bargain Bethany on YouTube creating gift baskets for Christmas, I heard her say, “That was a simpler time,” while making one from the 1950s. It struck me as important, and here comes the blog. I can recall a simpler time, as I’m sure a lot of us could, too. We think about it […]

There’s a Little Elf In All of Us

I’m funny. No, seriously, I’m a funny person. I may come off as serious and deep, which I am, but I’m also a funny character. I’ve made funny comments to people, like a cashier, for example, who either didn’t get my humor or didn’t compute it because they were off somewhere else in their head. […]

What If You Could Be Calmer?

Two words have caused me great anxiety: what if? What if there’s too much traffic? What if the water heater warranty expires? What if I take this job and it doesn’t work out? On and on and on. But I never thought that I could use the words what if for positive thinking too, like […]

The Precious Present

I visited my aunt over Christmas and heard her say that time goes by so fast when you’re older.  I processed it and realized I guess I’m “older” too because it feels like time flies by for me. I make a weekly schedule and cannot believe it’s Monday already or whatever day, and the thing […]

Are You Happy?

I was asked the question, “Are you happy?” and I replied, “Of course, I am!” I took a second and replied again, “I might not be too happy with my job at the moment but I’m still happy.”  No, that didn’t fly either. So how do I know I’m happy if I’m not happy with […]

When Life Gets Hard

I fondly remember a time when I used to play, have fun, enjoy life, and make happy memories. It wasn’t that long ago, so what happened? Sure, the more responsibility we have to tackle, the more we can feel overburdened where we forget to take a break and enjoy a pleasant moment. We are the […]