Find Your North Star

It’s been challenging coming up with positive ideas to write about since dealing with a mighty shoulder issue. I don’t like to dwell on such things, but it’s my reality now. And we all know that what we don’t want to address will mail itself to our consciousness, and then we have no choice but […]

Life Beats

  I often get ideas for these blogs in the middle of the night. When I wake up, the idea comes to me, and I grab my phone to record my voice in the Notes app. Thank goodness I remembered what it was about because this is what I found when I woke several hours […]

Hey Angel!

The song “Workin’ Them Angels” by Rush inspired this blog today. It’s a fantastic song with fantastic lyrics by the late, great Neil Peart. For me, Rush is the goat of rock music. They are on another level than traditional rock n’ roll music. Here are a few lyrics from the song to see the depth […]

Before You Diss, Read This

If you’ve read my blog posts, you’d gather that I’ve been through a lot of painful situations in my life. From the outside, my life looked good. I’d expect people to think I had a what-do-you-have-to-complain-about-life, other people have worse problems than you. Well, I learned I’m somebody, too, and deserve to be happy. I […]

Da Nile is a river in Egypt

I knew the definition of denial (refusal to admit the truth or reality of something). When I looked it up, there was another definition for denial (refusal to satisfy a request or desire.) So, denial is also a refusal to satisfy a request or desire. Huh, that made me think about how much I have […]

Go Just a Little More

I’m not sure how many people care. I mean, give a shit about stuff like being a good person, being honest and kind, having manners, and the like. How many of us work at being a decent person? I know I do. I’m not writing that with a cocky attitude; just letting you know that […]

Do You Know What You Are Worth?

We are not born knowing how to respect ourselves. That comes from external circumstances and experiences. Maybe the horoscope signs have a little effect too. I write that because I’ve read about horoscope signs and the traits of those born under the sign. Sometimes, it’s spot on, especially with the Leo sign. Almost every single […]

The Secret We Hold

Did you ever notice when you are around a person or doing something, and you get a feeling that doesn’t feel right? You don’t know why it’s happening, but you blame chemistry for the interaction with that person or fear. And that’s pretty much as far as it goes, right? At least, that’s the way […]

Shut Out the Noise

You never know what you could accomplish when you get rid of all the noise. The noise I’m referring to is pretty much anything that doesn’t bring you joy and happiness. This is our life. So why don’t we aspire to have a great life? Who told us we had to live meager and small? […]