Let’s Speak Better

I had to pull this one out of my soul because I could have written an easy blog about how we should speak better – like how “He doesn’t know how to ride a bike” sounds better than “He don’t know how to ride a bike” because it disagrees with the subject. Nope, I decided […]

To Belong

Is the reason why we’re here to belong? We want to belong with someone else in a relationship*. Belong to a career. Belong to a group, organization, church, whatever. Our basic need is to belong. Social media makes our youth want to belong to the group of social media superstars getting boatloads of money, fame, […]

Big Friends

Why do you think television shows like Sex and the City, Friends, Will and Grace, The Odd Couple, Cheers, and Seinfeld (to name a few popular ones) are so beloved? Sure, there’s eye candy (Carrie’s closet!) and lots of comedy, but there’s more to it. These shows are about friendship. You hardly see or hear […]