Are We Actors or Players?

My husband and I went to see a friend’s band play live on an outdoor deck at a bar/restaurant. Before we got there, rain had hit hard, and all the tables not under a roof got soaked. We found two dry seats in an upstairs area that was partially covered. We couldn’t hear the band […]

Why Do We Do What We Do?

Our experiences shape our behavior. Because of that, we all live life through the lens of what those experiences taught us.  Two people could grow up in the same house but have very different experiences. As a kid, I had things stolen from me. I didn’t have much, so to lose something dear to me […]

What Would Jim Morrison Say?

I was doing yard work, and I thought, what if I could speak to Jim Morrison about all this nonsense in our country? What would he say? I have no idea where that idea came from or why I thought that. So, I humored myself, thinking up all kinds of things that might come out […]