
I couldn’t come up with any other title for this post. Here’s why. I pay attention to my surroundings. I learned that behavior the hard way from being harmed in the past. I have been on guard since I was a child, waiting for the other shoe to drop. And it has never stopped. Most […]

What If You Could Be Calmer?

Two words have caused me great anxiety: what if? What if there’s too much traffic? What if the water heater warranty expires? What if I take this job and it doesn’t work out? On and on and on. But I never thought that I could use the words what if for positive thinking too, like […]

A Big Life

I have this sign in my office. When I saw it at the store, I thought it would remind me to stop living in the past. I mean, thinking of the past is living there essentially, right? Because you’re feeling the same feelings as you felt when it happened. And feelings change everything. Do you […]