Have a Little Faith

While surfing the information highway, I came across a writer from Philadelphia with several books published. She has a website and writes blogs. I didn’t feel jealous or envious but celebrated her success. I found it inspiring that I can do that, too. I even fantasized about being friends with her. I found her page […]

What’s In It For Me?

I went to a presentation on the history of organized crime (mafia) in our area. The reason is that I have written a book, At What Price, that has some organized crime in it, and I went there for research and inspiration. During the first speaker’s PowerPoint presentation  (with photos and newspaper clippings), some people […]

Balance Yourself

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase that there are givers and takers in life. Looking through your life, you can see the difference in people. Who are the givers? Who are the takers? If you’re entirely a taker or a giver, then you’re doing it all wrong. Sorry, I have to tell you the truth. […]