Shut Out the Noise

You never know what you could accomplish when you get rid of all the noise. The noise I’m referring to is pretty much anything that doesn’t bring you joy and happiness. This is our life. So why don’t we aspire to have a great life? Who told us we had to live meager and small? Who? Who are these people?

Regardless of who “they” are, we must (and I don’t particularly like that word because it implies no choice to me but that’s the word to use) consider that what made us feel small came from someone else who felt small. They didn’t know any better. I’ve found peace with my past and have forgiven. I realized that people work on the programming they had. Some people are doing great, others do the best they can, but there are also some who don’t care and are oblivious to any issues. That’s okay. As long as you don’t hurt someone else, you do you.

It’s not worth it to harbor hate or anger. That only hurts us more. Just let it go. People are human and make mistakes.

The noise in your head that’s telling you all kinds of negative thoughts, whether you acknowledge them or not, needs to get shut down. I heard a DJ on the radio that said he heard someone say to give that negative voice in your head a name. And each time you think negatively, tell whatever name you chose to get lost. So the guy said to his co-DJ, “So now I’m yelling ‘stop it, Joe’ all day!” And they laughed. Hey, any way to get you to acknowledge that you think those thoughts is a good thing. But then, the other part of it is changing those thoughts. So, yes, acknowledge it, but then REPLACE it with something positive.

“I can’t stop eating carbs!” is now replaced with “I’m going to eat healthier.” That puts positivity into your brain, attracting more positive outcomes. That’s what we want!

Mike Tomlin, coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers, told his team to shut out the noise – the stuff that didn’t matter to winning a football game. That’s what we need to do. Get rid of the noise and enjoy the silence where we can be, do, or have anything we desire. Seriously, no BS. Our minds control our lives, not our families, circumstances, or whatever else we blame.

Keep out the noise that makes you unsure or question something that will be good for you.

I saw this quote.

Source: Tiny Buddha

It resonated with me, and I had to share it. I was so scared to send out my writing. I was afraid of rejection and that someone wouldn’t like it. I envisioned rejection, allowing all the noise I’ve heard about how earning a living writing is nearly impossible to keep me fearful and stuck. I didn’t know any better. I was working on the programming I had that caused me to feel fear and anxiety. I’ve worked at keeping that noise shut off!

The noise is sneaky. It can creep up on you at any time and surprise you with an irrational thought created in your head. Any time you think of lack or have a scarcity mindset, it sets you up for exactly that. So why wouldn’t you think the opposite? It’s just as easy to do. See your life how you want to live it and focus on that. See the details. Think about the details. Your mind will lead you to the people, places, and experiences you need to live that life.  You just need to pay attention.

I wrote this quote in my young adult suspense novel, Magic in the Snow.

“The journey is where you learn. Pay attention.”

It impressed me when I read that quote after not touching the book in years. I get it now.

I’ve had thoughts and ideas about doing something that would make me happy. Still, I didn’t pursue them. (Like going to PSU for landscaping architecture and creating – a restaurant review and promotional website. [A cough] – a few years after I thought of it, came to be, or making SmartyPants –  pants with panties sewn in for no panty lines. How cool, right?)

I’m not regretting these things. I’m just trying to illustrate a point. I didn’t pursue those ideas because, yes, there was too much noise going on, but I think if I wanted to do those things, I would have made more of an effort. Being a well-paid author has been my number one goal, and that noise happening was fear. Fear is a product of thoughts (whether yours or someone else’s), so think something positive! Also, feeling gratitude can override fear.

I hope this opened your mind to the idea that we do control our lives. Thank you so much for reading this.

To shutting off the noise,
