See the Gifts

If you’ve been reading my posts, you’d know I have been doing a lot of work on myself and getting closer and closer to complete happiness. I don’t believe that’s a tall order. I think we have the ability and power to change our lives, no matter what had happened in the past. And guess what? Happiness is already in us; we just have to change our thinking a bit to get to it.

One thing that I find so helpful now is to focus on what I have instead of what I lack.

“Focus” by Sugar Lime Twist.

This is so simple, but it’s sometimes difficult to do. Trust me, I know. We get into these funks where we can’t think of what is good going on and we bitch and moan to whoever will listen.  And it seems like the entire day gets jammed up with negativity, right? Did you ever wake up and think, today is going to be awesome, and then you have a wonderful day? I have, and it works! Just try it. What do you have to lose?

I am not saying that venting isn’t good because it is a very healthy thing to do, but there’s a way to vent without focusing on all the negative going on.

Seems like a tall order, right? No, it’s not really. All you have to do is get out what’s bothering you and then sum it up with, “You know what, that feels good to get it out. Now I could move on.” Then you just think about something good. And it could be anything: a baby (they always fill us with joy – unless they’re crying, then they’re not in my good pile), your silly pet, the clouds, wind, whatever makes you smile, just think of it. It will give you a moment of joy, and if you continue to live moment by moment, you will bank up one sweet happy day.

I used to think about the pain I felt and get sad. I thought it was a hindrance and felt sorry for myself.  Then I read, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.

She writes, “Life is really simple. What we give out, we get back.” And it clicked. I was focusing on the pain, not on the gifts. So, I tried to flip it; instead of thinking woe is me, I thought of positive things about myself and life. It changed my experience.  It wasn’t always easy and negative thoughts still creep in, but now I think or even say out loud if I’m alone (lol), “Stop it!” And I get back on the right train of thought.

So, what has this done to my life? Well, it’s helped me get unstuck for one thing. Thinking about the gifts opens a life of possibility where we can feel happy, even joy too. This isn’t some wanna-be guru spewing what-you-want-to-hear bullshit stuff, this really helped me, and I know it can work for anyone else who is willing to help themselves feel better.

In a nutshell, we are all doing the best we can. Some do it better than others, and that’s okay! We are all different, living different experiences, and offer unique and beautiful gifts to the world whether we see it or not. Why not focus on that and stop limiting our lives with self-made torture (you know, the “I’m not good enough” or “I can’t do that.”)

We need to see the gifts.  They’re there. We just need to open our eyes.

Thank you for reading.

To a brilliant life,
