Scam Alert!

There is a scam going on that’s very dangerous! We’ve got to be on guard and vigilant to this immediately!

There’s this thing between our ears on our heads that allows anything from our five senses into it. It’s like a vacuum, sucking in information like the latest and greatest Dyson sweeper. It doesn’t filter or discern on its own. It needs a consciousness to do that. We are its consciousness. We aren’t necessarily the gatekeepers, but we can decide what goes in or not. You know not to look at the sun, or you may go blind. We can learn and get smarter. Our brains (minds) continually develop, depending on the input.

What’s the scam? It’s all the wrong information we’ve gotten throughout our lifetime that caused us pain, sadness, insecurities, or low self-worth or esteem. Our subconscious mind believes whatever it receives. So, if you were told as a child that you weren’t good enough, flawed in some way, or excluded from love and support, the subconscious mind believed the scam, and if you didn’t get help to change those messages, you are still working on that scam program.

I know this because I’ve been there, and until recently, mental scams guided my life. I believed (for most of my life) that I wasn’t good enough, that I would fail, and that I didn’t deserve anything worthwhile or noteworthy. I didn’t deserve to show my talent or skill. Those scams infiltrated my mind at a very young age (when we were little sponges, absorbing everything around us.) I heard it all. Saw it all. Felt it all. We all did.

If you’re an adult who isn’t truly happy, then you’re affected by scams.

You can say to yourself or tell others that you’re happy, but actions speak louder than words (I know, a cliche – ooo.)  When you overeat, overdrink, overspend, overexercise, overthink, are overweight, think you’re overweight or believe doom and gloom is your birthright, you’re acting out what the scams lead you to believe.

To find the balance and live our lives happily right now, we need to do some work. Yep, sorry, we need to take the time to change the scams (program.) That involves putting good stuff into our minds that are not scams in any way. We need to avoid scams at all costs! (This may even involve not watching the news every day for long periods. It affects us whether we believe it or not.)

We need to replace the gunk with clean, pure thoughts that cure, not condemn. Affirmations work wonders. I do them every single day. Now, I’m to the point where I just think about them over and over throughout the day. The more, the better.  Oh, and they need to be positive thoughts in the present tense and begin with I (I am healthy. I am doing the very best I can. I am worthy.) You get the picture.

How we spend our time and who we choose to spend the time with is so important to stop the scams from coming in.

I’ve been much more vigilant about who I allow into my life. You know how we only see the tip of an iceberg and have no idea the vastness of it underneath the ocean? That’s me, working behind the scenes, creating, developing, and investing my time and energy into the life I desire AND deserve. To get here took a lot of work and facing pain head-on. If I can do it, anyone can override the scams, too.

For most of my life, I was giving out scams of my own. I’d smile, and it would appear like everything was great. I didn’t share the real me. I’d share the scam – what I thought the other person wanted to see to avoid being judged or criticized. I learned that behavior from living in a very judgemental and criticizing family. It wasn’t safe to be myself. The scams in my head led me to believe that’s what I had to do to avoid pain.

How sad, right? It’s been exhausting to live that way. Kudos to all the parents who raised their kids with good self-esteem and self-worth. Sure, parents could do all the good stuff, but they also have to be wary of other dysfunction or negative influences because children could get scammed by anyone. Pay attention to who you allow around your child.

I was an adult in my forties when I told my parents that I wrote and that I needed time to write my books. (I hid it for fear of criticism and judgment and didn’t think I was good enough.) I was trying to set up healthy boundaries so I could live my life instead of being bugged frequently for what they needed. (They were healthy and lived close by.)

My mother asked in a sarcastic tone, “Do you make money from it?”

Kind of shocked, I answered, “No, not yet.”

She answered with a cocky voice, “Then it’s just a hobby, and you’ll never make any money from it.” (Direct quote. It’s burned into my mind. I’ve forgiven her, but I won’t forget it.)

I let those scams (words) impregnate my mind and allow the pain to fester for years, where I did nothing, no writing, no desire to sing my songs. I became an empty shell, allowing scams to overrun my life. Someone would wonder why I or anyone would allow that. You might think I’d never put up with crap from people! But we all have scams that are guiding us. Being self-righteous is a scam at work.

When we feel unworthy or down on ourselves, we’re allowing scams to work and get stronger. Before we know it, we have a closet full of clothes, debt up to our eyeballs, are working at a jerk job, have lousy relationships, or our kids disrespect us. The scams show themselves. We just have to pay attention.

Louise Hay, in her fantastic book You Can Heal Your Life, writes, “Life is really very simple. What we give out, we get back. What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us.”  Ms. Hay shows the way to remove the scams from our minds. It’s a wonderful read to help change negativity and damaging messaging.

Affirmations help do that (along with other things, but this is what I’m focusing on for this post.)

It seems too simple that you can replace scams with the truth (affirmations you choose.) The truth you believe can make the changes you need, not what someone else told you. If you feel you were cheated out of life, don’t blame others. That only puts you in the victim mentality. Look inward. Learn forgiveness (for yourself and others) and think good thoughts about yourself. Create affirmations that feel right for you, for what you want, how you want to feel and live.

No matter what scams you learn, they can be unlearned. I’m proof of that, but I am still working on unlearning stuff. The more scams that get through to you, the more effort it takes to get rid of them.

Don’t let someone else dictate (family, friends, co-workers, TV, and social media) what you are capable of doing. If you get cocky with a massive ego as a result of the affirmations you tell yourself to feel bigger and better than others, you’re still relying on scams to guide you through life. The point of affirmations is to help you think positive, healthy thoughts.

The book The Magic of Believing, written by Claude Bristol, states that the information he provides in the book can be used for good or evil. He warns us to only use it for good. That’s how powerful affirmations can be.

Here are a few example affirmations, but you can choose whatever you want:

I am lucky.

I love myself.

I forgive myself.

I make friends easily.

I am thankful for all the blessings in my life.

I have loving and respectful people in my life.

I am feeling energetic, and it’s going to be a great day!

I am blessed with a loving family (children, job, etc.)

I have the most amazing job I love that pays me what I am worth.


Just as quickly as the scams got into our minds, affirmations can replace and reprogram the scams into healthy, beneficial thoughts. Try it for one week. Choose one positive thought to replace an old scam (message) you learned. See if you feel different. Trust me. Be vigilant and do it multiple times a day. Afterall, you heard the scams multiple times every day for years and years. It’s going to take some time to replace and reprogram, too. Be patient. Change takes time. You can do it!

The more you feed your mind positive, enriching thoughts, the more you’ll be able to spot a scam and not get fooled by it ever again! Thank you very much for reading this, and I hope I’ve offered you some information that’ll help you get over any scams ruling your life. What other ways do you deal with the scams?

To giving the scams a boot,
