Reflection on Life


As a child, I was extremely curious.  I wanted to know why things were the way they were.  I asked a lot of questions but didn’t always get truthful answers.

I first began to critically examine the traditional beliefs I had, (and had taken for granted) when I was in my twenties. I found that what was taught to me didn’t work best for my life. So, I sought out new knowledge to prove that I was correct in my thinking and that a great deal of what I learned was wrong.

In this period of my life, I learned a lot about my own beliefs, my family, and those around me. Traditional values and viewpoints were picked apart for validity. My parents learned their knowledge of life from their parents and didn’t veer off the path to discover their own philosophical ideas.  I didn’t want to follow in their footsteps.

It has been a challenge to live the life I chose, knowing that what I learned is correct. I am not a sophist; I am more a philosopher because I need to know the truth, not superficial thoughts of reasoning that make little sense, presented from a savvy speaker whose intent is to win an argument. The path of least resistance is not the correct path to take, yet I have taken that road too many times because that is what I learned. I try hard to understand the truths about the human mind and behaviors, and it has created a humbleness within me, for I do not have the need to tell those around me, “I know this….” I’ve unlearned the wrong messaging and learned the truth to help myself. Human beings cannot know everything. Growing up, I thought my parents, and others I trusted, did know it all, and I was innocent trying to learn from them.

We have the opportunity in life to be happy and at peace. Philosophically, the one true measure by which one can achieve happiness and peace is by understanding the truth.  In order to understand the truth about the nature of human existence, one must remove judgment, prejudice, guilt, and fear from the mind.  Then like a door inviting guests into a home, the mind can absorb the truth and live life accordingly.