Plant a New You

I watched the movie Air about how Michael Jordon got hooked up with Nike. It was set in 1984, and the music soundtrack resonated with me since I graduated high school that year. The music didn’t bring back specific memories but it gave me a feeling. When I heard Money for Nothing by Dire Straits, I got the same feeling I had when I was 18 and believed in possibilities.

Dammit! I told myself I wouldn’t write about my past for this post, and I’m sorry to write this, but man, I was the sweetest, kindest, most loyal person you’d ever meet, and I just wanted to be me. Sadly, I was met with many people who had a problem with that and did and said things that hurt me. The result was that I felt inferior around everyone, sadly, up until a few years ago.


So, after the movie, I asked my guy, “What have I done with my life so far?” I used a tree analogy and said that my roots got all yucked up, and I wasted so many years not being able to grow out of the pain because I kept trying to deal with and fix the past (roots). My branches and limbs were damaged by what went on around me. He said, “Cut that tree down and plant a new one.”And so the topic of this idea was born. I’m very grateful that life keeps giving me wonderful topics to write about.

My guy’s response of “Cut that tree down and plant a new one” blew my mind. Who says we can’t reinvent our lives and live a different way, one that makes us feel happy? We can cut down that past we can’t control and say goodbye to it, letting our roots fully heal and sprout new, healthy life.

Source: Rennie Orchards

Hey, when I cut my plants down to the dirt, they grow back healthier and stronger, so why not us too?

Plant a New You!

Here are some ways to do it:

  • Get away from your same ‘ol routine and do something different. Try a new restaurant, hike in nature if you’re not accustomed to it, or learn a new language. The point is to break out of your comfort zone (you know where it feels cozy and safe) and engage your mind and soul.
  • Cut away the things in your life that don’t bring you joy. It could be clothes that don’t inspire you when you open your closet. Get rid of them. I heard this on a YouTube video on minimalism, “The way to figure out what clothes you should keep is to ask yourself for each item of clothing, would you wear this three times in one week? If not, get rid of it.”
  • Create a new mindset about everything. Focus on the present moment. Right now. Be present and make each day count for something good.
  • Fight the urge to dwell in the past. It’s gone. It’s over. You can’t change it, so get disciplined and stay in the present.
  • Love who you are now. Look at yourself in the mirror and smile at your reflection. It’s beautiful. It’s you!


We can have the life we dream about. That might mean we cut down the old us and start new. It’s a freeing experience knowing we can think our way into our ideal life. We can! Our mind is quite powerful and unstoppable when used for good. It doesn’t mean your past was for nothing when you plant a new you. No, it means you’re stepping out of the shell of the past and being who you were always meant to be, only stronger and healthier than before.

Source: Quora

Thank you for reading this. If you find this helpful, let me know in the comments.

To Planting a New You,









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1 year ago

Your blogs are fantastic. Don’t ever stop. There is some magic happening with them.