Out of the Sling! Sort Of

I had shoulder surgery on 7/31 to fix a torn tendon. The orthopedic doctor and his wonderful colleagues did a fantastic job fixing my dislocated ankle in 2022, so I had complete faith that repairing a tendon would go well. So far, it’s distressing, but I’m confident I will be okay. 

I heard from people who had shoulder surgery about the awful pain and the long recovery time. The doctor told me it’s a nine to twelve-month recovery. Yikes! However, those I know who had shoulder surgery said they were doing great (as in how they felt before the injury) in only six months, so I’m shooting for that. But the pain is brutal. The first two weeks were not too bad, but since I’m doing physical therapy, it’s rough. I’m using this cold therapy machine, and it does ease the pain. 

I’m at the one-month mark, and the physical therapist said I could get out of the shoulder sling for 25%—50% of the day. I still have to wear it to bed or when I go out, but this week coming up I can get out of it longer. It’s been difficult to type with one hand, and today, I’m giving it a shot with two hands. It’s challenging, but I took breaks to get it done because I had to get a blog post out today. Plus, I miss doing it. 

When we’re injured or in pain, it’s easy to fall prey to the woe-is-me type of thinking. I didn’t go that far, but I lost my mojo to do the blog since I couldn’t type like I was used to doing it on the computer.

I tried to use the dictation feature on a MacBook, but it would not work. I researched with one hand, clicked with the mouse, and tried to get help to no avail. Apparently, something is wrong with it because I tried everything I learned. 

Then I tried to use the dictation feature on the Microsoft Office program and the microphone I had wouldn’t work with it. I ordered one from Amazon and tried it, but it would only type a few seconds, then stop, and I’d have to start the process all over again of clicking the microphone and speaking quickly, and it would shut down. I couldn’t handle the pressure! haha 

I also used the Notes app on my phone to voice type, then copied and pasted it to an email and emailed it to myself. After that, I copied and pasted it into WordPress to modify it, but I could only do a paragraph at a time. The arduous task left me drained and out of juice to be creative. Eh, maybe I took the easy road to recovery. That’s okay. 

It will take some time to get back to 100% healed, but I’ll do my best to write something of value. 

Thank you for reading, and I hope you are well and happy! 

To healing,
