Life Beats


I often get ideas for these blogs in the middle of the night. When I wake up, the idea comes to me, and I grab my phone to record my voice in the Notes app. Thank goodness I remembered what it was about because this is what I found when I woke several hours later.

It goes up and down, like to be hard to show about a good stuff or bad stuff with happy stuff for you stuff up and out and if it’s all the same well then not here anymore line beat.

Your guess is as good as mine. I was laughing reading it. Usually, when I do voice-typing, it isn’t that bad, but I didn’t want to wake my husband, so I whispered it. Well, that was a doozy translation.

Anyhoo, here’s the actual idea. haha

An electrocardiogram measures the electrical signals from the heart and converts them into wavelengths, offering immediate alerts when the wavelengths go beyond or below the necessary threshold. (

The heartbeat that appears on an electrocardiogram or a vitals monitor got me thinking about how much it resembles life if put on a graph. Each life experience plotted on a graph would create up/down markings like those from a heart monitor. And did you ever notice how listening to a heartbeat creates a calm feeling? I don’t think that’s a coincidence. That’s life happening.



Our lives don’t follow a smooth, straight line. We have good days and bad days, happy times and sad times, and easy and hard life experiences. We all go through life with ups and downs, but it all means the same thing—that we are alive.

So, how much of our life are we living?

How many life beats (going up and down) show how much we work at keeping the lines going up more than down?

Life is complex with so many moving parts to manage. As we get older, our experiences complicate things because we see life through a lens from our past. We judge based on what we learned as a kid, and if we aren’t aware of doing it, it could get worse as we age, where we turn into arrogant jerks who think we’re better than others. When that happens, we can alienate good people because of prejudices.

Just like our hearts can beat faster when we exert our bodies, we can pump up our lives to beat faster just by showing up. We can do that by being present and living in the moment.

I know how difficult it is to focus on living intentionally in the present moment. We are so susceptible to sliding backward, going up and down, reliving past events.

Today, while driving on a two-lane road, another car swerved into my lane in front of me without looking, forcing me to blow the horn. I got pretty upset by it. I think I used some curse words on them, even though they couldn’t hear me. I kept driving, thinking what a jerk that person was. Then I caught my thoughts and realized I wasn’t living my life on a happy beat, I allowed that situation to take over my present moment and cause that line to dip down low into an angry state I didn’t like at all.

I quickly changed my thinking into something positive that served me better and I could feel the line going up and up, not wanting it to fall back down again because it stinks down there.


It’s hard to keep those lines up high all the time. Overcoming all the negative past influences that created our personality and mindset takes a powerful mind. But it’s possible. Even though we can’t control other people or every situation, we can control how we feel about it. That is something I’m working on because it’s tough not to bring in the past to the present.

Our life force should come from within us, not from outside circumstances or people with different opinions and ideas of what’s best for us. We can get into trouble when we allow others to tell us what to think and feel. I was there for many years, only recently realizing that I am in control of my life beats – how I want to see my lines go. I want them to go up where there is joy, love, and peace.

Take a moment and think about your life. How’s your life beats going? Do you feel like they are stable or all over the place? Drama creates a lot of up and downs. To be happy, sometimes we have to walk away from the drama and live a more simple life.

Here’s the takeaway from this post – we get to decide which way we want our life beats to go. It takes a bit of practice to stay focused in the present moment to regain control and there might even be some pain along with that because it doesn’t feel comfortable. Trust me, sometimes we have to get uncomfortable to make the necessary changes for a better life.

Thank you for reading this, and I’d love to know if you found this helpful. That’s why I’m writing these.

To our life beats,



Created by a human for humans.

2024 – Francesca M.E. – All Rights Reserved.