Let’s Dance!

Let’s Dance


One funny thing I had done was to record myself dancing in my pajamas (and not flattering ones) that captured me from my neck to the top of my legs. It was a Sunday, and I was in a silly mood. The idea was that I would record myself dancing to put on Tiktok. I saw somewhere that young girls were making millions of dollars dancing on Tiktok. Why couldn’t I be part of the action?

Oh my God, it was hysterical! You couldn’t see my face, just me dancing very funny. I thought people would laugh. I saw it going viral, and bada bing – I’m a millionaire!  Woohoo!

Well, I had a moment of fun, but I didn’t post it to Tiktok. I rarely go on Tiktok and don’t know enough about it to post videos. Plus, I was being silly, not the light I wanted to be seen in, no matter how much money I could bring in dancing my awesome dance moves.

But this got me thinking about that day.

Sometimes we just need to let go. Be silly. Dance. Sing loudly. Do whatever makes you smile! Nobody has to see this. I do my best work being silly when alone or with my guy. I used to be silly a lot when my daughter was young. Having a young child gives you carte blanche to be silly, and the more silly you are, the more the kids love it! What does that tell you? It’s fun. And we need more fun in our lives. We deserve adult playtime. And I don’t mean the one I’m not writing about.

Finding balance in life will make it so much more enjoyable. Having a stressful day? When you get a moment, watch a funny show or Youtube video. Better yet, listen to music and dance. That’ll get anyone out of a funk. We’d be pretty happy people if the whole world would dance more. Why do you think the people who danced at a wedding reception say they had the best time? I don’t think it was for the food. It’s the dancing!

When I went out and saw bands in clubs, I danced on the dance floor by myself. It took the other people time to ease into it after a few drinks, but I was sober, dancing because it was a great song I liked, and I wanted to dance. Those days I had many adult things I had to do that made my life full of responsibility and work. I needed to blow off some steam. I closed my eyes, listened to the music, and moved. It helped so much to get my balance back. I didn’t care what anyone thought of me dancing alone. I was having fun and doing something great for myself!

We know what’s best for us. We know what makes us laugh, what helps ease stress, and what feels good. Do more of that. Put things aside and carve out time to do what makes you feel good. You deserve it!

Thank you for reading.

To dancing and having fun,
