Keep it cool. What does that mean? To chill, relax, be calm? Yes, of course, but I’m referring to lowering your upset threshold and living lighter.

What do I mean by “living lighter?” A mindset where you care less about the little shits, the things that pick at you like a vulture on its prey. I mean, think about it. Every single day we have thousands of thoughts. We think we can multitask, get less sleep than we require, and overtax our poor brains by overthinking everything, but when we push and worry, our temperature runs hot, and we need to get it down to cool.

Cool is where it’s at! You chill. Life flows. You let up control and trust that a higher power has your back and won’t let you down (even with painful stuff meant to teach us lessons). We are just being. Not existing – being. Being present. Being loving. Being kind. Being aware. Being cool.

How the heck did I get to be so cool? (I hope you’re laughing because I intended it to be funny.)

First, I believe there are life rules. And the first rule is to face whatever ails you. Until we face reality, nothing will change. I think another rule is (or should be) to treat others how you want to be treated (and hopefully, you don’t want to be treated like shit. That would suck, so don’t do it.) And the third rule is to love. We have this ability to feel love, so why not experience it? Love your family and friends, sure, but start thinking loving thoughts throughout the day about everything. Drive in your badass car and send loving thoughts to the people and things around you. Wow, it’s an instant high. Trust me. I do it. If you ever see me walking or riding my ebike, you might be the recipient of a whole lotta love.  Yep, that’ll be from me!

This is what cool looks like.

Cool, right? Yes, it is. Told you, I’m cool.

But I faced everything. I wore a brave face for years, protecting the wounded little girl in me, but I had to feel all the bad stuff and worked my way through the thick brambly forest to get here. Being present. Being loving. Being kind. Being aware. Being cool.

I can tell you honestly that I have a happy heart. I may write about stuff that’s not lollipops and gumdrops, but guess what? Life isn’t all lollipops and gumdrops all the time. Facing reality allows us to live, and be cool!

Come on. I know everyone reading this wants to be cool. Being cool is fantastic! You get to feel good a lot of the time you’re awake. Sure, there are scars that sometimes ache with triggers or reminders (sometimes we are unaware of), but when you’re cool, you can deal with it and still be happy.

So, remember to keep it cool (KIC), and life will be an amazing experience.

To being in the cool club,
