It’s All Here!

Everything we need to live a happy life is here. It’s all here. We need to pay attention and watch for signs. You know those gut feelings or weird sensations nudging you to do something? I’ve gotten those feelings many times before. And most of the time, I didn’t heed the warnings or follow the plan. I’m unsure if it’s our guardian angels, God, past lives, or a higher power sitting with a bowl of popcorn, watching a screen with us on it, going, “Ten bucks, today’s the day! This one’s going to pay attention and figure it out!”

Maybe it’s as simple as being ultra-sensitive to feelings. I am. I’ve been feeling a lot of them. For those of you reading along with me on my journey, I hope it’s been noticeable how I’ve been heeding the warnings and trying super hard to follow the plan. I know what’s going on in my life now, but it wasn’t always that way.

Living in the past doesn’t help anyone grow and evolve. Just because we have to feel and acknowledge the past to heal, we can’t stay there. Everything we need is here, in the now, in the present. I’m writing that because I (*cough* overthink and) worry that my posts may come across as I’m too nostalgic and using past pain to keep stuck. No, those days are over, thank God; I did that already. I’ve learned how to move on and like that much better! Ha-ha

So, if it’s all here, what do we have to do to get it?

First, remove the blinders that keep you from seeing what is holding you back. I mean, we all had dreams when we were of an age where we could indulge ourselves (high school and beyond) to think about what we wanted to do with our lives. I know I did.

Man, when I was in high school, it was all about finding musicians to record my songs. MTV inspired me, and I wanted to perform my songs more than ever – I even thought about doing a duo with Sting and Sir Elton John. Ha-ha! Hey, I was a kid with a great imagination.

But the sad thing is that even though I fancied those dreams, the wrong messages were overriding them. I felt so badly about myself and couldn’t let that go to be proud of what I could create. I downplayed everything about me until I sifted out all the authentic pieces and what was left was a young woman desperate for someone to see those inner nuggets of talent, not the shame and pain. Sure, I came across as a nice person, which is fine, but it wasn’t all of me. I didn’t stick up for myself or talk about how much I wanted to sing my songs or other songs in a band. I went into the woods, alone, sometimes with my dog, and sang to the trees and rocks. Maybe some fairies were dancing; I don’t know. I hope so.

That brings me to my second suggestion: believe you’re capable of anything you wish. We hold ourselves back because somewhere in our timeline, there was a voice negating our dreams, and those on repeat were the most damaging. But here’s the great thing, we can change those messages to whatever we want. Seriously.

The subconscious mind is the storehouse of information and cannot decipher between truth and fiction. That’s why there are so many broken souls walking among us. Words have power, people; remember that, always. Our sponge brains will believe anything told to them. So, if you want a 1969 Ford Mustang Mach 1, say to yourself many times a day, “I own a 1969 Ford Mustang Mach 1, and it’s amazing.” You could even add the color, the stereo system, whatever! It’s your belief, and you have the power to make it a reality. Feel what it’s like to sit behind the steering wheel, shift it into gear, wear a cocky face coming up to a light, whatever you want!

I’ve seen it happen many times, and I am patiently waiting for my big beliefs to come true. I know they will, though. There are a few more things I must do, or maybe it’s just as simple as the planets having to align in a certain fashion. Ha-ha! I just know it will happen and have an unwavering belief in myself that I have never had before like this.

This mindset happened with practice and time, constantly thinking about what I wanted. That’s the way to get into the subconscious part of our brains to overwrite the old messages with new, positive beliefs. You just need to do the work, and I promise you, you will be an unstoppable makin’ dreams actualize machine!

It seems too easy, right? All we have to do is think about what we want, and we’ll get it. It’s not that easy. We have to do the work, too. If you want that 1969 Ford Mustang with the vanity plate IMBOSS, go to car shows that have them, start a saving account called ‘For my new toy,’ or do the research on how you apply for a vanity plate. Do the action that shows the universe, “Hey, I’m ready.”

If you don’t believe me, try out some small stuff. The next time you go to work, visualize the day going great. No matter what you do, even if you’re home, think about having a great day (whatever that means to you.) Hold that thought steady, don’t be wishy-washy watching the news and feelin’ ho-hum about the weather. You have to focus on having a great day. I bet you a five that your interaction with people will be better, you’ll smile more, and your day will be pretty spectacular. And you can’t cheat and tell me I owe you five dollars because your day sucked. I’ll know you’re lying or didn’t have the focus part down pat, and you ain’t gettin’ the money! That’s how sure I am!

Okay, so today’s post is about believing our life is here. It’s not going on ten years ago when your dog passed away or fifteen years ago when you lost your job and haven’t found another one like it. I’ve dealt with loss and pain, too. It’s part of life. But life is also about choosing to be here, live in the now, thinking thoughts and doing action steps that will propel you to happiness and lovely peace of mind because that is what life is for – to live it here and now!

Thank you for reading.

To the plethora of happy days coming your way,


P.S. Shhh… don’t tell anyone but I’m sharing the big “secret” with you. If you want to learn more, read The Secret book or watch the movie free on YouTube. Don’t want to spend money on the book? The library has it, and probably the movie too.