Instead of Making New Year Resolutions, Try This To Better Your Life

Ever since I could remember, come January 1st, I was making a list of resolutions I wanted to achieve for the year, and they were mostly the same: exercise more, eat better, and take better care of myself. I’m sure a lot of us have the same resolutions. Did I adhere to them? Not really. Like most of us, I got all pumped up in January with my new planner writing down all the things I needed to do to accomplish the resolutions, but by February, I was back to the same ‘ol same ‘ol, and nothing changed.

I knew I needed to do something different this year to better my life.

I’ve learned a lot about how to attain goals from reading many books on the subject, watching YouTube videos, and paying for workshops, but it still didn’t click with me. Each year, I’d write out my goals, just like I learned, making sure they were SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely), but I didn’t feel I was getting closer to achieving them. Something was off.

So, this year, I’ve created a new plan that I think will surpass New Year’s resolutions and help me attain my goals.

The first part is learning to stick to your plan. What do I mean by this? We have to be aware of our actions and be conscious of the choices we make. So, for example, if you want to exercise in the morning as part of your new ritual to better yourself, make that a priority above anything else. I know I have a hard time doing this because I could think of 97 other things to do that I believe are more important. But we have to shift that mindset and put ourselves at the top of the list.

No amount of written goals is going to make us move unless we change our mindset about what is valuable to ourselves.

The key word is focus. We need to focus on what is important to us and let all the other noise float away into the background. I know I probably have written stuff like this before, but it’s something I need to work on, so I’m leaning on what I need to change that I think will help others, too.

Try this to better your life:


1. Write down your ideal life. Write the details; what does it look and feel like? The mind has to be specific in order to work towards it. See your ideal life in your mind and write it out.


2. Make a list of a few things that you would need to do to get to that life.


3. From that list, take each one of those items and write down the steps/actions you would need to do for each one. So if your goal is to get a dog from a shelter, write down what you have to do to accomplish that and ask questions like, is your house compatible with the dog you choose? Are you taking the time to visit shelters? Do you have the extra money to handle caring for a pet, vet visits, or grooming care? Answering those questions will help you decide if this is a good move or just wishful thinking. And it will help you make that a reality.


4. Do something positive every single day that will get you closer to your ideal life. It doesn’t have to be a big thing. Even a tiny step is a step forward. If you want to get into better shape, instead of writing down that you want to run a 5K in six months, how about every day taking a walk out your front door to the neighbor’s house? Then, the next week, go a little further. Once you’re outside and walking, your body will want to move. Before you know it, you’re getting into the habit of walking, and it feels like part of your routine. After some time, running that 5K will feel achievable.


5. The final and most important thing is having belief. We need to believe that we are worth whatever we desire first or making lists or talking about what we want to do is going to result in squat. This has been the biggest obstacle for me throughout my life. I’ve always had the talent but didn’t believe I was worthy of creating a living using it.  When we believe we can do something, it is a game-changer. We can do anything we set out to do. I know it sounds cliche, but it’s a fact. Believing in yourself changes life for the better.

I hope these ideas help you guide your life for 2024 to the best version of yourself – the one where you wake up each morning grateful, happy, and at peace with your life. Isn’t that what we all want?

Thank you for reading this, and cheers to a brand new year full of possibilities!

To a better life,
