I Don’t Get It

I thought I’d mix it up and write about some things I just don’t get.  See if you agree.

I don’t get how people could walk across the street without ever looking and, what, believe they are superheroes that can go through a 3,000 lb. vehicle coming at them? Do we have to blame Marvel Comics for pedestrian traffic gone mad?

I don’t get how a once lovely and clean neighborhood can get so run down and look like a ghetto all because people don’t care. Can’t they see the crap? It’s right in front of them!

I don’t get the way supermarkets run sales using digital coupons, and if you didn’t get the coupon on your phone or account, oh well! Whatever happened to just putting the item on sale?

I don’t get how some people use the “Have a good one” and sound like robots. Are they turning into robots? Should we be concerned?

I don’t get it when I’m having a good hair day at home and look in the mirror and think, yeah, it looks good. Then I’ll see my reflection somewhere and think, Oh dear God, what the hell happened?

Source: Deposit Photos

I don’t get how I feel great one second, lift something or, God forbid, twist my torso, and bam! I’m ready for traction or a least a heating pad.

I don’t get how toothpaste manufacturers can’t make a tube that makes it easy to get out all the toothpaste instead of throwing out a perfectly good product or using your elbow, shoulder, hell, half your body to squeeze it all out! The same is true for some conditioners. I’ve hurt my thigh sometimes, pounding down the product on it, trying to get it to come out.

I don’t get dogs that look friendly but give you a suspicion they will bite in a second, or the other dogs you know are friendly but bark and bark, and you can’t get near them.

I don’t get how when I was a kid, I’d go swimming in a lake, ocean, or pond, it didn’t matter as long as it was a body of water to cool down in. Now, if I can’t see the bottom, I am not taking any chances.

Source: Vector Stock

I don’t get how I’d be able to go food shopping and just put things in the cart and be on my way to the checkout. Now, I’m reading every label, squeezing and smelling fruit, checking over meat and dairy dates like it’s the Bible, and watching where I’m walking in case of a spill.

I don’t get it when I’m walking toward a person, and I smile, and they turn their head. What, are they allergic to happiness? Can you even be allergic to that?

I don’t get it when I plan and plan for holidays or birthdays, and it’s here, and I have nothing done, and I’m scrambling and stressed out. What the hell happened? Was I taken by aliens and lost time?

I don’t get it when I’m nice to a person, and they don’t believe I’m the real deal. (I could sense these things.) Maybe it’s because aliens abducted them. Could be.

Source: Stockphoto

I don’t get how people still have jobs when they clearly do not do their jobs, and when confronted about not doing their jobs, you either get no response or a “huh.”

I don’t get how far we’ve gotten away from businesses caring about their customers to hire enough people to answer the phone instead of listening to hold music for an hour that makes the elevator music of yesteryear seem like top 40 hits.

Source: Atlas Elevators

I don’t get it when I write a to-do list and get nothing done on it, yet I was busy for 14 hours and have little recollection of what I did that burned the time.

Whew! I could go on and on. I didn’t realize how many of these I had rattling around in my head. But I’ll stop for the sake of your time.

Thank you for reading this, and tell me what you don’t get in the comments.

To Getting it,
