Healing Can Be Hard. Luckily, We’re Made to Heal 

Like many others, I’ve been dealing with pain. For me, it’s been torn tendons in my shoulder. It’s tough sometimes to get out of bed or even want to lay in bed to sleep because that can cause more pain. Regardless, I know that we can heal because that’s what our bodies do. It’s when our minds get in the way that we have the real trouble.
Our thoughts can make or break our lives, one of which is how we believe that our bodies heal. Even broken hearts eventually heal. Giving ourselves time and compassion helps the natural process of healing.
Thoughts can also help us have confidence, love for ourselves and others, and a belief about how much we deserve good health.
What we believe about ourselves is what others believe about us.
Meaning, what we give out is how others see us.


I got a little philosophical there, but for good reason. As the new year moves on, if we want to see real change in our health, our wealth, or our well-being, it’s up to us to start believing good thoughts about ourselves. And if we’re suffering in pain from whatever ailment, we have the option to think positively to create good changes.

Even though, to an outsider, my life looks a little bleak from the injuries I’ve sustained and other health issues, I’ve learned that thinking positively does make a difference in healing.

I saw a movie, I think it was The Secret, where a woman with breast cancer only watched funny things on TV and allowed only positive communication after she was diagnosed. She and her husband fixated on fun and happy things that made them both laugh and feel good. She went back to her doctor after some time (I’m not sure if she had medication or surgery), and she was cancer-free. I don’t know all the facts. Just sharing what I learned.

Our brains can cure us, and our bodies are made to heal.

And our bodies’ natural state is to be in motion. We aren’t meant to sit still for long periods, and we weren’t created to think negative, self-defeating thoughts that harm us.

I understand healing can be hard, but if we can shift our thoughts to “I am healing”  instead of “I am hurting,” we will allow our bodies to do the natural thing they do.

It’s easy to fight the natural order of things and believe we know better, right? We can receive attention when we moan in pain or have a valid excuse to get out of things when we say we’re not feeling well. Some folks would rather live in the “Woa is me” victim mindset than put some effort into thinking positive, healing thoughts to improve their quality of life. I know it seems silly that a person would choose to live with pain and give up, but sadly, it happens.

A few years ago, I was in a car accident and dislocated my ankle badly. I was in a wheelchair for three months. I did physical therapy and dealt with a lot of trauma, like living back at my parents and navigating a wheelchair around their house, putting blood thinner needles in my abdomen daily, having my foot swell in the cast to the point I couldn’t feel my toes, and ran the risk of more severe problems, not to mention feeling stuck.

Did I feel sorry for myself? No. I saw the reality but looked forward to healing and doing the work to regain the use of my ankle again. I walked with a cane for many months, all the while thinking, “I am healing” and “Everything is going to be okay.” I ditched the cane and never looked back. I can walk as I did before I hurt my ankle. Running, no, but walking is fine.

Was it my body’s natural state to heal that did that, or was it my mindset where I believed nothing was going to stop me from healing and walking normally again without pain? Both. I let my body do its healing, but I also helped by thinking positive healing thoughts. And sure, when the weather is so-so, I can get some arthritis pain, but I handle it with grace and say, “You know what? It’s okay. It’ll be better tomorrow.” And it always is.

So, how do we get that healing mindset and let our bodies do their thing?


Focus on a future where you are healed.

See yourself doing the things you want to do. You’ve got to really fixate on the details.

Ask Questions Like:

What are you wearing?

What are you doing?

What are the smells around you?

How do you feel?


Create your future in your present state.

It doesn’t matter what our present looks like. What we think now becomes our future.

Think Thoughts Like:

I am healed.

I feel the healing.

I feel great.

I am pain-free.


Believe in a great power.

Believing in positive change is not only about entrusting our lives to a higher power. We also need to take responsibility for ourselves. That’s where our power is.

Believe In the Ideas:

We all can change our health.

We can make things better for us.

We can take small steps to change that lead to huge results in the future.

We are worth a healthy life.


Our health and well-being begins in our minds. Let our bodies heal and stop fighting it with limiting beliefs that it’s just the way it is. No, it’s not! Prove to yourself you are worth a much better life by believing you deserve it.

Thank you for reading this and I sincerely want us all to live a healed, happy, full life.

To healing,
