GPS Offline

I got off track. It happens sometimes, right? We mean well, but we fall off the wagon (ate the goodie, smoked, lost track of time, and didn’t finish the project, fill in the blank _____.) What happens?

I think our internal GPS (that’s supposed to guide us to what is best for us) gets offline.

What makes that happen?

I think a number of things, but for me, stress knocks me off the right road. I wind up on some grown-in path in the woods, and I can’t see in front of me. There’s nothing to worry about because I don’t think of the future. I’m living in the present moment, trying to quelch the anxiety and nervousness that lives in the future. We can’t predict the future, but we try with worry and fear. I’ve been living that these last few days.

I missed an important appointment with myself to write the blog post on Sunday. Time got away from me, and I packed so much in one day that I had no energy left at night. I depleted my energy and needed to recharge.  I’m still charging, though, almost full again. That’s when the internal GPS will get me back on the right road that aligns with my goals and who I am.

Did you ever notice when you’re doing something that you love to do or enjoy doing that you feel “right?” I know when I’m writing or singing, I feel right. I feel calm and at peace. There’s no struggle, just an expression of creativity and joy. I want that all the time!

But I got offline. I skidded onto that dirt path, going too fast over holes and bumps, and felt pain. Dang it!

I’ve grown and evolved, and I’ve gained experience. I learned the lessons instead of missing them with blame and complaints.  It’s tough to face our pain, but that’s the only way we’re going to evolve into the authentic person we are. We can’t numb it all the time, but some try to. Look, we were all wounded as children. No one had a perfect childhood or life. There’s no such thing. We’ve been exposed to a lot of negativity, and whether from a tv set or a family member, it doesn’t matter. It can still have an effect on us. And when we’re triggered and upset, we get off course.  Put up the boundaries, take care of yourself, and you’ll get to your destination faster.


I know there’s still work to do to stay on course, and I’ll do it because I want to have that freeing feeling each day, but it takes continual focus.

We need to keep being in the right mindset (being positive and confident.) That’ll help get back on the road that’s right for you. It’s wonderful to be kind and compassionate, but if it’s at the expense of your happiness, then you need to assess the situation. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Imagine your ideal day. What are you doing? Then do that. Your internal GPS just told you the directions, and you can righten yourself in no time!

To  – “Turn Left In One Mile and Then Quick Right” to reach your destination,
