Easy Gifts That Show Love

I’ve always had a knack for choosing good presents. Sure, I got it wrong a few times, but for the most part, I think I’m good at knowing what a person might like. It’s because I listen and pay attention to their styles, likes, etc.  I guess I take the time to care.

Anyhoo, I had this idea this morning when I woke (you know, I ask God for inspiration), and this popped into my head. What are some gifts we can give to others that are easy, inexpensive, that show love, and that the receiver will love? So here you go!


Do you know someone who doesn’t cook or can’t cook? Make something like soup or macaroni with sauce. Both are easy, and you can make a bunch relatively inexpensively and give them to that person or family. Sure, they might think it’s weird if you’ve never done it before, but I will bet you $100.00 they will enjoy it (providing it’s good, of course) and be so appreciative. I know I’m very thankful when we get a home-cooked meal from a family member or friend. If you don’t like to cook, ask someone out to dinner or offer to bring home something for dinner. You could even learn a few easy meals and impress your family or friends with your effort. The person who does the cooking will be very appreciative of the break.


I bet most people we know would love more time with us. (Look at me betting. You know why? Those betting commercials are always on during the football games, and they got into my head!) Damn advertising agencies!)There is something about being with a person (who you want to be with) – in person – that creates an energy connection and increases dopamine in our brains. Our way of life now seems to rely too much on texting and Facetiming. I even text my husband while I’m upstairs, and he’s downstairs in our house! Years ago, we’d either give it a good hollar or walk downstairs to talk. Give someone you care about your time. It’ll make a difference.


Share your expertise with your children, family, or friends. Each one of us has gifts and knowledge we can share with others to help them better their lives. That’s what I’m doing here. You can get creative with this one. Listen to your kids. If they’re struggling and your experience might help, share it! And look people in the eye when talking to them. It shows your soul.


I know this gift idea has gotten a lot of attention over the last several years, but it’s still valid and so necessary! It takes nothing to be kind. It is simply being nice to another person. Easy peasy pie. Why is this so difficult for some? I think it’s because they can remove the sensitivity to other’s feelings in their mind. How else can someone be so mean and not think twice about their actions? As far as I’m concerned, mean people suck!

Technology Lessons.

If you know stuff about technology that might benefit others, share it. I can’t tell you how many times my father or aunt has asked me to help with their computer or phone. Why not offer your time to help an elderly relative or friend learn new technology? I’m referring to easy stuff like how to get photos off a phone and onto a computer – and then show them where to find them on the computer to reference later. Or how to change the ink on the printer. You’d be surprised how many older folks have cell phones and don’t know how to use them to their capabilities. And please don’t act like the computer guy on Saturday Night Live, Nick Burns.


I’m not talking about a birthday gift, just an “I’m thinking about you” gift. Now stay with me here. Everyone uses tissues. I know we go through them quickly in our house. I don’t know why we need so many tissues, but we do. I find myself randomly sneezing, and I have to have tissues around so I can grab them fast. But think about it. A lot of people don’t buy tissues but need them.  My father still uses a cotton handkerchief. It’s gross and disgusting. Try bringing a few boxes of tissues to a person you know just to be nice. They might roll their eyes, but they’ll use those tissues and appreciate the gesture each time they use one.


I have struggled with this for a long time. I used to think, how could I forgive someone who did something awful to me? That’s letting them off the hook! Well, I’ve since learned that when we don’t forgive, we harm ourselves. We carry hatred and resentment within us, and it’s like oil sitting on the top of the ocean after an oil spill. It’s messy and destroys life. We need to find a way to make peace with the pain by thinking that the other person was acting out their program, and that’s all they knew at the time. You don’t have to forget. Just forgive to release the pain. Once you can talk about or reflect on the situation without getting fired up and upset, you’ve mastered forgiveness.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ve heard the saying before about there are givers and there are takers. Yes, I know, I’m a giver. I believe we are molded in these roles when we are very young, and our intelligence has something to do with it as well. If we develop a mindset that pays attention to others’ needs, we seem to be kinder souls. Our minds can rise above low emotions like jealousy, envy, fear, and greed because we want to treat people the way we want to be treated and act accordingly. And yes, some people want to take advantage of a giver and take and take and take, but we can learn to spot them.

As a giver or kind person, we have to be careful and pay attention to the reactions to our actions. Once we see signs of one-sidedness or that others don’t understand our kindness and show a lack of respect for us, we can’t keep giving. Draw a line and stay away from it. We are worth more and deserve respect – always! Just because we are kind souls doesn’t mean we can allow being used or taken for granted. It’s important to have self-respect so that we know when someone is not respecting us, and we can make an intelligent decision about whether or not the relationship is worth our gifts.

And sure, there are crafty folks who give to get. I am not referring to that, nor do I condone it.

Don’t ever be afraid to be generous or show kindness. It does not make us look weak. That is only the perception of those who wish to exploit us. Being a giver makes us wholly human, and the intent of our species was to care for one another. Let’s do that.

If you give any of these gifts I’ve listed, you’ll get a gift in return, too. It’ll feel good!

Thank you for reading this, and I hope I’ve offered some inspiration to be better folks. I’m sharing my gift! I’d love to read other ideas on how you would gift love.

To giving,
