Are You With the Right Tribe?

So many things affect how we see ourselves. We have been bombarded since birth with messages that go into our subconscious mind and form how we think, act, and believe about ourselves. I’ve been lost. For many years, I felt like I was living in a pinball machine, bouncing from one thing to the next, […]

The Dreaded D Word

Tony Robbins, a life coach, and who I see as a personal development guru, showed on his Netflix documentary, I Am Not Your Guru, how he plunges into a dunk pool of 57-degree water before he starts his day or does a speaking/coaching event.  Yikes! I don’t know if I could do that. I get […]

Breaking Free

After my last post, I felt this weird feeling. It wasn’t shame or embarrassment like I felt when I shared my other posts.  It was like something I’d never felt before. It was as if I was a caterpillar shedding the last layer to break free and become a butterfly, and I had an astonishing […]

Save Yourself

I learned three important words to add to my vocabulary. Not my problem (NMP – remember that acronym.) I read the book One Minute For Myself by Spenser Johnson, MD. In it, the author encourages us to take one minute to change our attitude, then ask ourselves if there is a way to take better […]

Is There a Monkey At the Helm?

The best feeling in the world is when we feel peace. We can have all the people and things we could ever ask for and still feel uneasy; something is not quite right. Perhaps there’s that spark that keeps us up at night thinking or doing late-night snacking when you’re physically full but emotionally starving. […]

Feeling Thankful

My last blog was about doing and having all you want and not feeling bad or guilty for it. This one is about giving thanks. What does it mean when you think about giving thanks? We can be thankful for good health, family, and love. But what does that mean? There’s this concept floating around […]

See the Gifts

If you’ve been reading my posts, you’d know I have been doing a lot of work on myself and getting closer and closer to complete happiness. I don’t believe that’s a tall order. I think we have the ability and power to change our lives, no matter what had happened in the past. And guess […]