Do You Have Statues?

What I mean by the cryptic title are the people in our lives we put on pedestals, like statues. I put so many people on pedestals and looked up to them like I did the statues of Jesus, Mary, and the saints in the sanctuary of the church I went to growing up. There were […]

Hey Angel!

The song “Workin’ Them Angels” by Rush inspired this blog today. It’s a fantastic song with fantastic lyrics by the late, great Neil Peart. For me, Rush is the goat of rock music. They are on another level than traditional rock n’ roll music. Here are a few lyrics from the song to see the depth […]

Before You Diss, Read This

If you’ve read my blog posts, you’d gather that I’ve been through a lot of painful situations in my life. From the outside, my life looked good. I’d expect people to think I had a what-do-you-have-to-complain-about-life, other people have worse problems than you. Well, I learned I’m somebody, too, and deserve to be happy. I […]

Have a Little Faith

While surfing the information highway, I came across a writer from Philadelphia with several books published. She has a website and writes blogs. I didn’t feel jealous or envious but celebrated her success. I found it inspiring that I can do that, too. I even fantasized about being friends with her. I found her page […]

Have You Laughed Today?

Today, I wanted to share a little something that always changes my mood—laughing. I consider myself a humorous person. I find things to laugh about, sometimes including something I did. Yes, I can laugh at myself. We all should do that, too.  It takes the pressure off of being so serious and heavy. If someone […]

Are We Actors or Players?

My husband and I went to see a friend’s band play live on an outdoor deck at a bar/restaurant. Before we got there, rain had hit hard, and all the tables not under a roof got soaked. We found two dry seats in an upstairs area that was partially covered. We couldn’t hear the band […]

Cool Down Time

So, if we’ve been working on ourselves and questioning how we feel, I’m sure anger has reared its head. Letting ourselves feel the pain sucks, but we have to do it to get through to the other side (where we feel good.)  Just like exercise DVDs, after the hard stuff, comes the cool-down time. I […]