So Long Sucka!

I’ve been thinking lately about how I have allowed people to treat me. By loving and respecting ourselves, we teach people how to treat us. It makes perfect sense, right? I was a “sucka” (sucker) for mistreatment and disrespect. Somehow, I had the foolish notion that other people’s feelings were more important than mine. That’s […]

Tools For Change

When something happens to us that we didn’t plan, like losing a loved one or a job, we can go into a tailspin. Changes we didn’t expect can uproot the most steady of us and send us off course. We want to have control over our lives to have peace of mind. A wrench thrown […]

Tsk Tsk

I’m giving myself the tsk tsk, you know, like when your mother or someone judgy looks at you, shaking their head to show you that you did something wrong. Yep, I’m giving myself that. Why? What did I do that’s so wrong? I’m sharing this because it might help someone else. I’ve carried this burden […]

Advice About Love

I consider myself well-schooled on the subject of love because in order to love someone else, we need to love ourselves, and I do love myself. I have been studying how to be happy and have a good life for many years. I made it my life’s mission to figure out how to do just […]