Push a Little

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to cope. I want to thrive and slide into Heaven when I’m 104 (God willing) after I gave it all away – love, talent, genius, everything. I want to experience more life and good times. I don’t want to write that I don’t do enough of […]

Let’s Dance!

Let’s Dance   One funny thing I had done was to record myself dancing in my pajamas (and not flattering ones) that captured me from my neck to the top of my legs. It was a Sunday, and I was in a silly mood. The idea was that I would record myself dancing to put […]

What Do You Weigh?

Good day. I wish you a good mood. (Hehe) If you’ve been following my blog, that might bring a chuckle. I hope so. I created this title to get your attention, but it’s also the topic. (I’m not such a shmuck to use an attention-grabbing title to lure you into a piece about how we […]


  My 2023 word for the year is balance. I chose this word because I have felt out of kilter for some time. This morning I allowed myself time to lay in bed and ponder stuff. I was in no hurry to get out and begin the day doing this or that. I just wanted […]


When was the last time you thought, I am so thankful for ________? No, really, listen to yourself speak for the next day or so. It’s just one day. Listen to what you speak and, more importantly, what you think. See how many times you say or think, “Man, I’m grateful for _________.” Having grateful […]

The Precious Present

I visited my aunt over Christmas and heard her say that time goes by so fast when you’re older.  I processed it and realized I guess I’m “older” too because it feels like time flies by for me. I make a weekly schedule and cannot believe it’s Monday already or whatever day, and the thing […]

It’s All Here!

Everything we need to live a happy life is here. It’s all here. We need to pay attention and watch for signs. You know those gut feelings or weird sensations nudging you to do something? I’ve gotten those feelings many times before. And most of the time, I didn’t heed the warnings or follow the […]