What Is My Blog?

My intention for this blog is to share what I know that helped me make life better, but I haven’t been able to narrow down the focus to convey what exactly this blog is about. Firstly, I’m not one to shout out from the rooftops that I have a blog or write, so I don’t […]

Just Say No

I use this little container from Tupperware to hold Advil and Tylenol in my purse. I got it when I sold Tupperware for a very short time. (Wasn’t for me. I don’t like to ask people to buy things.)  It’s come in handy a few times when I or someone else was suffering and needed […]


Higamaroo is a term I came up with to describe random events that distract me from what I intend to do. For example, I say, “I’m going to write on my blog.” Great, right? Well, I see something which makes me think of something else, and then I’m doing that thing instead of the original […]

Message In a Bottle

The song Message In a Bottle by The Police played on my phone while walking the other day. I sang along to it and took in the words: A year has passed since I wrote my note I should have known this right from the start Only hope can keep me together Love can mend […]

Believe It or Not

There are plenty of children’s stories about believing in the unseen. I saw a cute movie about children who befriend fairies by a creek, but the adults couldn’t see them. They said adults lose the ability to see them. Why do we lose our sense of wonder and belief in the unseen and unknown? Believe […]

GPS Offline

I got off track. It happens sometimes, right? We mean well, but we fall off the wagon (ate the goodie, smoked, lost track of time, and didn’t finish the project, fill in the blank _____.) What happens? I think our internal GPS (that’s supposed to guide us to what is best for us) gets offline. […]

Stick To Your Own Story

I recently found this sweet sticky notes book at Target (Dickson City). The cover caught my eye while walking by. When I discovered it was full of enough sticky notes to last a lifetime and 70% off, I knew I had to have it.  I already own quite a few sticky notes, so I don’t […]

Big Friends

Why do you think television shows like Sex and the City, Friends, Will and Grace, The Odd Couple, Cheers, and Seinfeld (to name a few popular ones) are so beloved? Sure, there’s eye candy (Carrie’s closet!) and lots of comedy, but there’s more to it. These shows are about friendship. You hardly see or hear […]

Asshole Island

There’s a place in a remote location like Paradise Island where Wonder Woman lives, but it does not have strong Amazonian women. It’s the home of assholes, called *Asshole Island. Unfortunately, someone lost the coordinates of it years ago, and we stopped shipping the assholes there, and now they’re all amongst us. They are the […]

Boomerang Baby!

A boomerang is an amazing thing. It’s mind-blowing how it works. I guess it has something to do with how the wood is formed. I never saw one in action in person, only on TV. Anywho, the gears are working flawlessly today, as I hope all of you feel too, and I got this idea. […]