What It Means To Be a Mother

A mother is someone who cares because she wants to; she loves with all her heart through and through. Her child can leave and move on through life, but she’s always ready to be there by their side. A mother wants to know what their child likes, is blue their favorite color or is it […]

What If You Could Be Calmer?

Two words have caused me great anxiety: what if? What if there’s too much traffic? What if the water heater warranty expires? What if I take this job and it doesn’t work out? On and on and on. But I never thought that I could use the words what if for positive thinking too, like […]

Are We Living?

Most people aren’t living. They react to life. I thought about this and knew I wasn’t living much, either. I was reacting to life and allowing the past to infiltrate my present, repeatedly causing me the same damn pain! Why would I or anyone do that? For me, and maybe for others, too, I’ve been […]

5 Ways To Make Life Better

These are my thoughts on how to make life better:  Pay attention to what you think and speak. Flip the script to gratitude if you start complaining. When I find myself complaining, I try to think of one thing to be grateful for, and I instantly feel better. Be true to yourself. Yes, it sounds […]

Our Evolution

My daughter did a DNA test on her dog, Indy. The results? He’s Rotweiller and Beagle. He has puffy fur and black spots on his tongue, so I think there may be Chow Chow in him. It doesn’t matter what he is. He’s a fuzz ball of sweetness! But it led to the idea for […]

A Big Life

I have this sign in my office. When I saw it at the store, I thought it would remind me to stop living in the past. I mean, thinking of the past is living there essentially, right? Because you’re feeling the same feelings as you felt when it happened. And feelings change everything. Do you […]

What Eva!

Recently, I’ve adopted this mindset of what eva. Yes, it’s whatever spelled differently for effect. It’s how the sassy girls say it. And even though I’m not sassy, I can use it too. So, what eva! The “what eva” mindset is when you don’t let things get to you or bring you down.  Watching the news […]

What Means Something To You?

Each day we wake, do our things, and settle down for the night. Rinse and repeat—day after day. What we fit into our days is totally up to us. Whether you believe outside forces are at play and controlling your life is up to you, but that’s not always the case. Ultimately, we are the […]