There’s a Little Elf In All of Us

I’m funny. No, seriously, I’m a funny person. I may come off as serious and deep, which I am, but I’m also a funny character. I’ve made funny comments to people, like a cashier, for example, who either didn’t get my humor or didn’t compute it because they were off somewhere else in their head. […]

Shut Out the Noise

You never know what you could accomplish when you get rid of all the noise. The noise I’m referring to is pretty much anything that doesn’t bring you joy and happiness. This is our life. So why don’t we aspire to have a great life? Who told us we had to live meager and small? […]

Multitasking Mania!

Are you like me and put way too many things on the daily to-do list? Drinking caffeine to keep up the energy? I hope not. It’s overwhelming! Why do I choose to do that to myself? I had to ask myself that question recently when I realized I was cramming in too many things and […]

What It Means To Be a Mother

A mother is someone who cares because she wants to; she loves with all her heart through and through. Her child can leave and move on through life, but she’s always ready to be there by their side. A mother wants to know what their child likes, is blue their favorite color or is it […]

What If You Could Be Calmer?

Two words have caused me great anxiety: what if? What if there’s too much traffic? What if the water heater warranty expires? What if I take this job and it doesn’t work out? On and on and on. But I never thought that I could use the words what if for positive thinking too, like […]

Are We Living?

Most people aren’t living. They react to life. I thought about this and knew I wasn’t living much, either. I was reacting to life and allowing the past to infiltrate my present, repeatedly causing me the same damn pain! Why would I or anyone do that? For me, and maybe for others, too, I’ve been […]

5 Ways To Make Life Better

These are my thoughts on how to make life better:  Pay attention to what you think and speak. Flip the script to gratitude if you start complaining. When I find myself complaining, I try to think of one thing to be grateful for, and I instantly feel better. Be true to yourself. Yes, it sounds […]