Are You Settling?

When we settle for something in our lives, whether that’s a relationship, a job, or a friend, we’re telling ourselves that we don’t deserve anything better. What a sad state of affairs. Let’s find a way to immediately wipe those insecure and self-defeating thoughts out of our heads! It’s not a  suggestion. This is real […]

Wake Up, Sleepy Head!

Something struck me this morning when I was getting up that stuck with me, and I have to write about it. I think it might be helpful to someone else. Just a few years ago, I was sleeping through life. I was not happy, but I wasn’t unhappy. I didn’t know what I was. I […]

The Joker

I saw a mentalist perform card tricks. He was fantastic! I recommend one if you have a party and want some great entertainment. Anyway, he did some tricks with a deck of cards. Last night I woke in the middle of the night and could not fall asleep. It was so frustrating! But I got […]

Why Animals Are Great

  Animals are great, aren’t they? Seeing a wild animal doing its thing (one that won’t harm you or doesn’t annoy you) can raise the level of dopamine in your brain. That’s the feel-good chemical that we want more of. Having an animal as a pet reduces blood pressure and makes you feel better just […]

There’s a Little Elf In All of Us

I’m funny. No, seriously, I’m a funny person. I may come off as serious and deep, which I am, but I’m also a funny character. I’ve made funny comments to people, like a cashier, for example, who either didn’t get my humor or didn’t compute it because they were off somewhere else in their head. […]

Shut Out the Noise

You never know what you could accomplish when you get rid of all the noise. The noise I’m referring to is pretty much anything that doesn’t bring you joy and happiness. This is our life. So why don’t we aspire to have a great life? Who told us we had to live meager and small? […]

Multitasking Mania!

Are you like me and put way too many things on the daily to-do list? Drinking caffeine to keep up the energy? I hope not. It’s overwhelming! Why do I choose to do that to myself? I had to ask myself that question recently when I realized I was cramming in too many things and […]