I am so glad it’s a new month. It’s a chance to redo everything. We get to change our minds, plans, or even our address if that’s what’s on the agenda. A new month is a fresh start to get back on track, and boy, do I need to get back on track. Our bodies […]

The Tricks to Life

Since Halloween is upon us, I thought I would write about the Tricks to Life. What the heck are they? Well, there’s a few ways I could think of to improve your life. And the best part is when you know the tricks, you get to enjoy the treat of a happy life. Hey, if […]

Balance Yourself

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase that there are givers and takers in life. Looking through your life, you can see the difference in people. Who are the givers? Who are the takers? If you’re entirely a taker or a giver, then you’re doing it all wrong. Sorry, I have to tell you the truth. […]

Watch Dogs

I went for a walk yesterday. It was a beautiful day, and I wanted to feel the sunshine on my skin. My knee and shin were bothering me. (I am sad to admit it, but I have arthritis in my knee and ankle due to injuries.) I was limping along and saw a wooden bench. […]

Your Best Friend

I have this book Self-Love Workbook for Women by Megan Logan, MSW, LCSW. Megan writes, “Internalized messages from past traumatic events or childhood wounds may contribute to feelings of unworthiness, making practicing self-compassion challenging. The quickest way to create a self-compassionate response involves thinking about how you might respond to a beloved friend.” I did […]

What Would You Do?

Yesterday, I was in a convenience store and heard a customer ask the young male cashier, “How’s it goin’?” The cashier responded in a mundane voice, “Ah, ya know, livin’ the dream.”   I’ve heard that expression before, and I never liked it. Doesn’t it imply that you’re not happy with your life? What about […]

I Was Robbed!

I rode my bike to my daughter’s house and locked it up with a Kryptonite Keeper lock to her front porch railing. She has the white vinyl 4×4 posts that made it tricky to put the lock around my bike frame. As I was doing that, my daughter came out and told me I didn’t […]

The Secret We Hold

Did you ever notice when you are around a person or doing something, and you get a feeling that doesn’t feel right? You don’t know why it’s happening, but you blame chemistry for the interaction with that person or fear. And that’s pretty much as far as it goes, right? At least, that’s the way […]