How Do You Deal With Jerks?

Once upon a time, I plummeted from the actions and words of jerks. I allowed the pain to seep into my consciousness, affecting me rather poorly. I felt less than, not worthy, and embarrassed for what someone told me in a jerky way that I was doing wrong. Essentially, I let them beat me up, […]

It’s All Here!

Everything we need to live a happy life is here. It’s all here. We need to pay attention and watch for signs. You know those gut feelings or weird sensations nudging you to do something? I’ve gotten those feelings many times before. And most of the time, I didn’t heed the warnings or follow the […]

Wrinkles With Time

While in a waiting room recently, I saw a promotional program on the television about a man who had surgery on his head. The former patient boasted that the doctor went into the wrinkle on his forehead, and he didn’t have a scar because of it. The gears started moving in my head, and this […]

Dissect the Dead

While driving, the song “Casey Jones” by The Grateful Dead played on the car radio, giving me an idea for a blog post. I enjoyed listening to it. Though I never considered myself a “Deadhead,” I like their music. When I checked to see if Deadhead is one or two words, I couldn’t believe it […]

I Want You To See Me

If you read my other blogs, Tyrannosaurus Rex is in the House! or It’s Not  Good Grief, Charlie Brown! this is a continuation. I’ve recently had this mind-altering experience where I can finally process everything I’ve been through up to this point. And let me tell you, it’s been so painful but necessary. I can […]