How Do You Deal With Jerks?

Once upon a time, I plummeted from the actions and words of jerks. I allowed the pain to seep into my consciousness, affecting me rather poorly. I felt less than, not worthy, and embarrassed for what someone told me in a jerky way that I was doing wrong. Essentially, I let them beat me up, […]

I Wish You a Good Mood

While watching a YouTube video for making vegetable soup, I saw the words “I Wish You a Good Mood” and thought, that’s a nice thing to read. It’s different. Maybe it’s a German-English translation for “Have a nice day” because I think the woman doing the videos is German. But, you know me, always thinking, […]

It’s All Here!

Everything we need to live a happy life is here. It’s all here. We need to pay attention and watch for signs. You know those gut feelings or weird sensations nudging you to do something? I’ve gotten those feelings many times before. And most of the time, I didn’t heed the warnings or follow the […]

Should You Kiss the Cook?

I remember when I was a kid, during a family dinner when my mother had put her hand out and wanted us to kiss it for doing such an excellent job on the meal she cooked. I’m sure she was kidding around, but it got me thinking. Maybe she did that because she felt underappreciated. […]

Feeling Thankful

My last blog was about doing and having all you want and not feeling bad or guilty for it. This one is about giving thanks. What does it mean when you think about giving thanks? We can be thankful for good health, family, and love. But what does that mean? There’s this concept floating around […]

Wrinkles With Time

While in a waiting room recently, I saw a promotional program on the television about a man who had surgery on his head. The former patient boasted that the doctor went into the wrinkle on his forehead, and he didn’t have a scar because of it. The gears started moving in my head, and this […]