Life Beats

  I often get ideas for these blogs in the middle of the night. When I wake up, the idea comes to me, and I grab my phone to record my voice in the Notes app. Thank goodness I remembered what it was about because this is what I found when I woke several hours […]

Five Steps

      The other day, I wanted to go for a walk. It was chilly, so I thought I’d wait till the afternoon when the sun warmed up the air a bit. But then my hamstring was bothering me, and it was so cozy in the house. Plus, I had a lot of work […]


Now, more than ever, I think about Thanksgiving and what it means. Do you think it happens before Christmas for a reason? Maybe that was done to get us to be thankful for what we have before we think about what we want. It makes one wonder. Thanksgiving has always been a time to gather […]

Save Yourself Now

  My now-husband took this photo of me in 2013 at Lake Jean at Ricketts Glen State Park (beautiful waterfalls.) At that time, I was in hiding, terribly so. My hair was red. I wanted a change. I knew I needed to save myself, but I didn’t know how.   I was born blonde. That […]