Better For It To Be Raining

Reader’s Digest

What happens when it rains? Sure, it’s gray outside and could be cold and damp, but the positive is that it cleanses and purifies. Most people complain about the rain, but rain is a life force. It helps crops grow, and wildlife have water in arid climates.

National Geographic Society

For us, here, a summer rain could help the grass stay green instead of the color of a Burnt Sienna Crayola crayon. Rain brings life.

Maximum Weather Instruments

Another meaning shows abundance – “it’s raining men,” like in the song, or “it’s raining money.” I don’t know about you, but I like it when it’s raining money.

Adobe Stock

Better for it to be raining love than to deal with a drought of love or kindness.

Rain washes debris down a street and cleans dust off cars.


It gives life to plants and makes the world green. Rain is a blessing to a farmer in the Midwest who needs to feed his family with the money earned from successfully sown crops. Rain soothes the weary soul wanting to sleep. Rain can create a magical moment between two lovers kissing in it. (I’ve done it, and it is magical.)


I know there is a difference in how we feel when it’s raining versus a sunny day. Sunny days give us energy and spark us to be a little happier. I love it when it’s sunny out. But when it’s raining, instead of complaining, we can change our attitude into being grateful that we get to see and feel it and benefit positively from it.

Floods happen mostly from what people do to the river banks or building too close to streams. Rivers once had a natural flood plain to spread out from excessive precipitation. When man-made dikes or structures contain a river, it forces the water to spread out somewhere else, maybe where it wouldn’t usually go. Keep that in mind if you ever complain about the abundance of rain and you live in a flood zone. The river was here first before us.

National Geographic Society

Better for it to be raining for people in cities, overheating in the summer, and the cool droplets make the heat bearable. Rain hitting your face on a hot summer day can feel refreshing.

Given the written texts and word of mouth of those who have gone before us and told us the secrets to happiness, I can confidently write that people, we, were meant to be present and live, not rush, complain, or force happiness. When it rains, be in the present moment, even for just a second, and think about all the good things it does. You’ll be surprised how your mood can change from feeling blah to better.


It’s better for it to be raining when you can’t settle down at night, safe in your home. Close your eyes and listen to the rain outside. Be thankful to be dry and able to enjoy the calming sound.


Thank you for reading this. I wrote it as an example of how just changing our mindset can change our mood and our days. Be blessed. We all deserve that.

To rain,
