Being Happy With the Love of Your Life

I found out I have a fatty liver after my car accident, and I had a full-body CT scan. I had no idea what it was; my primary care doctor never explained it. So I did the next best thing and asked Dr. Google for the answers. It never disappoints. On Youtube, I found Dr. Eric Berg, DC, who explained it well. He said you can get fatty liver from alcohol and also foods.

Since I hardly drink, I had to look at my diet. I was ingesting too many carbs (I love my pasta and bread!) and fried foods, like french fries, fried pickles, fried zucchini sticks, and chicken wings. Oh, I had no discipline! And I packed on the pounds. And I have a fatty liver (Dr. Berg said you don’t have to be obese to have a fatty liver – the foods we eat cause it.) I need to address this and only eat healthy meals.


This morning I was moving snaps on a raincoat that my mother gave me. It’s stunning and fits me great, except the snaps made it too tight. Nothing that a bit of ingenuity and skill couldn’t fix. Whenever I do sewing projects or something that doesn’t require my brain too much, I listen to Podcasts or YouTube videos. Today’s was about how to change the subconscious mind messages by Bruce Lipton on Lewis Howes’s channel (which is terrific).

If you have time to listen and focus on most of what Bruch Lipton is saying about how to change the subconscious mind, is saying, here’s the video. He has excellent insight into manifesting what you desire by changing the programming of your subconscious mind, and you could learn something from him. I will admit some of his ideas are too out there for me, but that’s just me (I have my hands up in the air). There are nuggets of gold among the rocks.

The best information I got from the video (I listen in spurts, not in one sitting), which I got back to today,  is that we need to love ourselves.

I will bold it and make it look fancy to stand out.

~~~ We need TO LOVE ourselves.~~~

What the heck does that mean – to love ourselves? Well, I can tell you straight up that I hadn’t loved myself until last year. Truth! I loved others or said I did. But was I entirely able to love another if I didn’t love myself? I don’t think so. Life wasn’t happy before I began genuinely loving myself.

To love yourself means that you care about yourself. What do you like? What things bring you joy?  Those are things you need to be focusing on. When you feed your soul, you don’t have the desire to eat foods that aren’t good for you. I self-medicated my “feeling sorry for myself syndrome” with bread, pasta, goodies, fried food, and overeating.  But as of late, I am feeding my soul. Writing this is feeding my soul.

I talked (and thought) about getting serious with writing and creating a blog and sharing it for years, and I didn’t do it until last year. Sad, I know. But I’m here now, and better late than never. I now know what that means, better late than never. Don’t ever give up.

Loving ourselves means we can look at our reflections and think (or say out loud) I love you and be okay with that. It’s a great feeling! This doesn’t mean we’re stuck on ourselves or conceited. It means we love ourselves, just like we do our partners, children – pets! I’ve been monitoring my thoughts lately and stopping whenever a negative thought comes up. I stop and think a positive thought.

For example, I was putting on a pair of pants the other day, and I could not zip the zipper. Man, did I chastise myself for being chubby! I stopped, took off the pants, and thought these pants do not fit me. I need to put on a pair that does. End of story. Why should I make myself feel bad because the pants don’t fit me? I have other ones that do fit me. I’m not picking on myself anymore. I wouldn’t treat someone else like that. Can you imagine speaking to your daughter (or anyone) as we think in our heads? Hell no! Then why are we doing it to ourselves?

Please stop it. Just stop it. Every single time you have a negative thought about yourself, stop and breathe – and take a second to collect your thoughts. Then think of positive thoughts. It doesn’t matter what it is. Just think of something positive. I love this weather! I am so grateful for my car. My child is talented. Whatever! Just stop and replace your thinking with anything good. Do that enough times, and you get on the frequency of change, and you will evolve into that happy person you were always meant to be.

We weren’t born to be miserable, crabby, or insecure. We were born to be happy, unique, and have peace of mind. That’s the life I want. And we can all achieve that with just a little effort. It’s just being aware of our thoughts.

I hope you found something here that helps with your life. I’ve been through a lot and have come out the other side. It’s a wonderful feeling to love yourself. And guess what? You attract love into your life. It’s a win-win.

Thank you so much for reading these blogs. I appreciate it.

To you,



Dr. Eric Berg DC videos on the fatty liver issue:

7 Foods That RUIN Your Liver

  1. Soy protein isolates
  2. fructose
  3. vegetable fats
  4. whey protein powder
  5. maltodextrin
  6. aflatoxins
  7. MSG

How to cleanse the liver. 

Fatty Liver Cleansing Tips: 

• Do a combination of cruciferous vegetables and fattier proteins (egg yolks, fish – but make sure they are grass-fed)

• Get rid of the toxins and fat from the liver by doing a healthy ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting

• Take choline as a supplement (400 to 500mg)

• You can get methionine from quality protein


How Long Does It Take to Fix Fatty Liver?