
I couldn’t come up with any other title for this post. Here’s why. I pay attention to my surroundings. I learned that behavior the hard way from being harmed in the past. I have been on guard since I was a child, waiting for the other shoe to drop. And it has never stopped. Most […]

How Are Your Boundary Bubbles?

You can have boundaries and not even know it. Boundaries protect us. Our minds let us know when our boundaries are crossed, just like an alarm system on a house that lets the owner know something is wrong. Since we’re the owners of our minds, we can sense an impending boundary crosser and do something […]

We Need To Cool It!

There are so many ways we lose sight of the big picture. We go through life blind a lot of the time. It’s sad, really, how many of us, myself included, feel like days fly by and there is not enough time in a day to get done what we want to do. I fight […]

You Can Pass

    Many of us feel a sense of obligation to family, friends, our jobs, etc. I’m here to tell you that you can pass on that if you want. Some of the things we can pass on are wasting time and getting sucked into drama. If you’re doing something you don’t want to be […]

How Does Your Garden Grow?

When you plant a garden, you till the soil and add something like compost, peat moss, or manure to nourish it so it has the nutrients it needs to create life. Then, you put in a seed or plant, water it, and watch the magic happen. Incredibly, a seed could produce a beautiful flower or […]

Do You Know What You Are Worth?

We are not born knowing how to respect ourselves. That comes from external circumstances and experiences. Maybe the horoscope signs have a little effect too. I write that because I’ve read about horoscope signs and the traits of those born under the sign. Sometimes, it’s spot on, especially with the Leo sign. Almost every single […]

How About That? You Can Feel Happy.

Happiness is not a person, place, or thing. It’s a feeling. Walt Disney World is called the happiest place on earth, and when you’re there, you feel happy. Is it that Walt Disney World has some magical powers that cast happiness upon anyone who enters the coveted gates? Maybe, but I think it’s caused mainly […]

What Are You Thinking?

We think around 70,000 thoughts per day (according to Healthy  So what are we thinking about? And here’s the thing, we need to be living in the present moment to recall what we’re thinking. Otherwise, we’re off thinking with no rudder. When you do catch yourself thinking, what are you thinking? That answer will […]

Taking the Gold!

  Olympic athletes work super hard to attain excellence. You need to be the best to win the gold at the Olympics. Let’s take the gold in our lives. <~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~><~> That means – we need to put ourselves first. we have to focus on what makes us feel happy. we need to believe we deserve […]