Just Breathe

If you are struggling with stress or anxiety, then this post is written for you.  With the holiday season upon us, it’s easy for life to get off the rails and have you feeling out of control. I know, it’s happened to me.  There’s the pressure and worry about buying gifts, getting the house in […]

Reflection on Life

  As a child, I was extremely curious.  I wanted to know why things were the way they were.  I asked a lot of questions but didn’t always get truthful answers. I first began to critically examine the traditional beliefs I had, (and had taken for granted) when I was in my twenties. I found […]

When Life Gets Hard

I fondly remember a time when I used to play, have fun, enjoy life, and make happy memories. It wasn’t that long ago, so what happened? Sure, the more responsibility we have to tackle, the more we can feel overburdened where we forget to take a break and enjoy a pleasant moment. We are the […]

Foundations Matter

I was painting my nails and the base coat came out clumpy and didn’t look good because the bottle was almost empty. I left it there, thinking once it dried it’ll be fine. I applied two coats of nail polish over the base coat, hoping that it would dry smooth. It did not. I could […]

Follow the Joy

Did you ever do something that gave you a feeling it was exactly what you should be doing in your life?  I know I have. When I’m writing, I’m in a joy zone. That’s what I call it and I feel bliss and happiness. That is when you know you are in alignment with your […]

Change Your Fate

I believe that what we think, we attract to our lives.  So, how can we change our fate? ~~~*~~~ First, take notice of how we speak to ourselves in each moment. You know, that inner dialog where you either lift yourself up or tear yourself down.  I discovered how much thinking I did that was […]