Wrinkles With Time

While in a waiting room recently, I saw a promotional program on the television about a man who had surgery on his head. The former patient boasted that the doctor went into the wrinkle on his forehead, and he didn’t have a scar because of it. The gears started moving in my head, and this […]

Dissect the Dead

While driving, the song “Casey Jones” by The Grateful Dead played on the car radio, giving me an idea for a blog post. I enjoyed listening to it. Though I never considered myself a “Deadhead,” I like their music. When I checked to see if Deadhead is one or two words, I couldn’t believe it […]

See the Gifts

If you’ve been reading my posts, you’d know I have been doing a lot of work on myself and getting closer and closer to complete happiness. I don’t believe that’s a tall order. I think we have the ability and power to change our lives, no matter what had happened in the past. And guess […]

I Want You To See Me

If you read my other blogs, Tyrannosaurus Rex is in the House! or It’s Not  Good Grief, Charlie Brown! this is a continuation. I’ve recently had this mind-altering experience where I can finally process everything I’ve been through up to this point. And let me tell you, it’s been so painful but necessary. I can […]