
I heard the band Rush for the first time when I was a teenager. I was at a friend’s house, and his brother put on a vinyl album onto a seriously cool (and amazing-sounding) hi-fi stereo system.  The sounds from those speakers perked my ears up, and I was transported to another place and time. […]


  My 2023 word for the year is balance. I chose this word because I have felt out of kilter for some time. This morning I allowed myself time to lay in bed and ponder stuff. I was in no hurry to get out and begin the day doing this or that. I just wanted […]


When was the last time you thought, I am so thankful for ________? No, really, listen to yourself speak for the next day or so. It’s just one day. Listen to what you speak and, more importantly, what you think. See how many times you say or think, “Man, I’m grateful for _________.” Having grateful […]

Is There a Monkey At the Helm?

The best feeling in the world is when we feel peace. We can have all the people and things we could ever ask for and still feel uneasy; something is not quite right. Perhaps there’s that spark that keeps us up at night thinking or doing late-night snacking when you’re physically full but emotionally starving. […]

The Precious Present

I visited my aunt over Christmas and heard her say that time goes by so fast when you’re older.  I processed it and realized I guess I’m “older” too because it feels like time flies by for me. I make a weekly schedule and cannot believe it’s Monday already or whatever day, and the thing […]

Your Word

I learned about choosing one word of the year a few years ago. Instead of writing down goals and New Year’s resolutions, you choose one word that reflects what you want to accomplish, be, or have in your life. Then you place the word somewhere where you see it often. I put my word in […]

You Can Get Through It!

I recently learned about DJ Stephen Boss, best known by the name tWitch, who was on the Ellen Show as her DJ, who died by taking his own life.  I was shocked to read it. He always seemed so upbeat and happy on the show. We don’t know what someone is facing or going through […]

How Do You Deal With Jerks?

Once upon a time, I plummeted from the actions and words of jerks. I allowed the pain to seep into my consciousness, affecting me rather poorly. I felt less than, not worthy, and embarrassed for what someone told me in a jerky way that I was doing wrong. Essentially, I let them beat me up, […]

I Wish You a Good Mood

While watching a YouTube video for making vegetable soup, I saw the words “I Wish You a Good Mood” and thought, that’s a nice thing to read. It’s different. Maybe it’s a German-English translation for “Have a nice day” because I think the woman doing the videos is German. But, you know me, always thinking, […]

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