Asshole Island

There’s a place in a remote location like Paradise Island where Wonder Woman lives, but it does not have strong Amazonian women. It’s the home of assholes, called *Asshole Island. Unfortunately, someone lost the coordinates of it years ago, and we stopped shipping the assholes there, and now they’re all amongst us. They are the […]

Boomerang Baby!

A boomerang is an amazing thing. It’s mind-blowing how it works. I guess it has something to do with how the wood is formed. I never saw one in action in person, only on TV. Anywho, the gears are working flawlessly today, as I hope all of you feel too, and I got this idea. […]

Push a Little

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to cope. I want to thrive and slide into Heaven when I’m 104 (God willing) after I gave it all away – love, talent, genius, everything. I want to experience more life and good times. I don’t want to write that I don’t do enough of […]

Wow Moments

I am a curious person. I want to know why things are. Information is like a drug to me. I can’t get enough of it. Now that someone has coined FOMO (fear of missing out), I know what I have. I have FOMO – bad! So, a random thing to think about. Who were the […]

No Easy Way Out

Happy Sunday! I thought about this blog idea but didn’t have the right words until now. As an overthinker, my days (and nights) get filled with many thoughts and ideas (sometimes, I get jacked up with worry and fear and allow distractions to happen.) Since one of my goals is to pare down my thoughts […]

Let’s Dance!

Let’s Dance   One funny thing I had done was to record myself dancing in my pajamas (and not flattering ones) that captured me from my neck to the top of my legs. It was a Sunday, and I was in a silly mood. The idea was that I would record myself dancing to put […]


Keep it cool. What does that mean? To chill, relax, be calm? Yes, of course, but I’m referring to lowering your upset threshold and living lighter. What do I mean by “living lighter?” A mindset where you care less about the little shits, the things that pick at you like a vulture on its prey. […]


Reflection can mean two things: 1 .the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it. Mirroring. “the reflection of light” 2. serious thought or consideration. “he doesn’t get much time for reflection” an idea about something, especially one that is written down or expressed. “reflections on human destiny […]

What Do You Weigh?

Good day. I wish you a good mood. (Hehe) If you’ve been following my blog, that might bring a chuckle. I hope so. I created this title to get your attention, but it’s also the topic. (I’m not such a shmuck to use an attention-grabbing title to lure you into a piece about how we […]

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