Our Teachers

Did you hear the expression, When the student is ready, the teacher will appear?  I feel like there are a lot of teachers in our lives teaching us lessons. And I don’t mean in school. A few weeks ago, I elected to take a bus to Scranton for an appointment to check it out. I’d […]

Are We Living?

Most people aren’t living. They react to life. I thought about this and knew I wasn’t living much, either. I was reacting to life and allowing the past to infiltrate my present, repeatedly causing me the same damn pain! Why would I or anyone do that? For me, and maybe for others, too, I’ve been […]

How I Quit Smoking

I began smoking at 15, I think. Peer pressure. Bullying. I got hooked. Years later, when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, the doctor asked if I smoked. I said yes. He said to throw them away and quit. I told him I would, but he forced me to throw the cigarettes […]

5 Ways To Make Life Better

These are my thoughts on how to make life better:  Pay attention to what you think and speak. Flip the script to gratitude if you start complaining. When I find myself complaining, I try to think of one thing to be grateful for, and I instantly feel better. Be true to yourself. Yes, it sounds […]

Breaking Free

After my last post, I felt this weird feeling. It wasn’t shame or embarrassment like I felt when I shared my other posts.  It was like something I’d never felt before. It was as if I was a caterpillar shedding the last layer to break free and become a butterfly, and I had an astonishing […]

Our Evolution

My daughter did a DNA test on her dog, Indy. The results? He’s Rotweiller and Beagle. He has puffy fur and black spots on his tongue, so I think there may be Chow Chow in him. It doesn’t matter what he is. He’s a fuzz ball of sweetness! But it led to the idea for […]

A Big Life

I have this sign in my office. When I saw it at the store, I thought it would remind me to stop living in the past. I mean, thinking of the past is living there essentially, right? Because you’re feeling the same feelings as you felt when it happened. And feelings change everything. Do you […]