What Would Jim Morrison Say?

I was doing yard work, and I thought, what if I could speak to Jim Morrison about all this nonsense in our country? What would he say? I have no idea where that idea came from or why I thought that. So, I humored myself, thinking up all kinds of things that might come out […]

Angels Hear the Singing

We want to believe that a higher power listens to us and that we receive what we want. We ask for good things. No one prays for bad things, right? At our core, most of us are good human beings. After a while of praying and getting no response or help, we want to give […]

Speeding Around the Sun

I’m a bit irritable today. The air here is overcome with smoke from the wildfires in Canada and is affecting me poorly. I can’t even imagine how the people feel closer to the fires. I wish them well. It seems nowadays, things move fast. (I hope I don’t sound like an old fogy.) We’re moving faster. […]

Everything Heals

Hi. I wish you a good mood. Today I got inspired by something my guy said about how everything heals. We had another beautiful conversation about philosophical stuff (which I love if you can’t tell already), and he said, “Everything in life, emotional or physical, can heal in time with care.” It made me think […]

There’s a Little Elf In All of Us

I’m funny. No, seriously, I’m a funny person. I may come off as serious and deep, which I am, but I’m also a funny character. I’ve made funny comments to people, like a cashier, for example, who either didn’t get my humor or didn’t compute it because they were off somewhere else in their head. […]

Shut Out the Noise

You never know what you could accomplish when you get rid of all the noise. The noise I’m referring to is pretty much anything that doesn’t bring you joy and happiness. This is our life. So why don’t we aspire to have a great life? Who told us we had to live meager and small? […]

Multitasking Mania!

Are you like me and put way too many things on the daily to-do list? Drinking caffeine to keep up the energy? I hope not. It’s overwhelming! Why do I choose to do that to myself? I had to ask myself that question recently when I realized I was cramming in too many things and […]

The Three Things We Need

If someone should ask what are the three things we need, most people would answer water, food, and companionship. But for this post, I’m creating a slightly different list. For the first thing, I’m lumping in water and food together as life-sustaining things we need to survive.             The second thing […]

What It Means To Be a Mother

A mother is someone who cares because she wants to; she loves with all her heart through and through. Her child can leave and move on through life, but she’s always ready to be there by their side. A mother wants to know what their child likes, is blue their favorite color or is it […]