Marry Your Life

Do you know what we remember the most? Experiences. Say, “I do to you,” and those experiences are sure to be great! Sure, we can get a fabulous gift that we will have forever (like jewelry), and when we look at it, we can remember how it came to be. But – living, authentic living, […]

Self on a Shelf

You know the pesky little elf named Scout that comes around every Christmas to spy on the kids, called Elf on the Shelf? Well, I’ve come up with another idea called “Self on a Shelf!” What is “Self on a Shelf,” you may ask? It’s us spreading joy around, not a trouble-making- tattletale little elf. […]

Wrap Up the Best Present

Well, well, well. What do we have here? I’m looking at a pile of cut-out magazine articles about writing and blogging that I’ve collected throughout the years (one was from 2006.) It’s been daunting to go through the amount of paperwork I’ve accumulated. What better time to purge and lighten the load than the end […]

Rushin’ Roulette

While watching Bargain Bethany on YouTube creating gift baskets for Christmas, I heard her say, “That was a simpler time,” while making one from the 1950s. It struck me as important, and here comes the blog. I can recall a simpler time, as I’m sure a lot of us could, too. We think about it […]

How Did We Get Here?

With each choice we make, we move in a direction that either leads us down the right path to happiness or allows us to learn a lesson. When we bitch and moan about problems going on in our lives, we’re taking the path of “hoping we learn a lesson.” But that isn’t always so. I […]

Thanksgiving Survival Tactics

I was talking to the woman who cuts my hair about Thanksgiving, where we’re going, and who’s doing what. Listening to her talk about her family get-together made me remember the Thanksgiving my mother threw the turkey out the back door. True story. She was overwhelmed and let the stress get the better of her, […]

What Are You Worth?

You probably know your credit score, but what’s your value? Not how much is in your bank account or how much you help others, but to ask, “What am I worth?” That’s where you’ll get the truth. When we know our worth, we choose better. We make fast, intelligent decisions that serve our greater good. […]

Poke the Bear

There has to come a time in our lives when we decide we’re worth better and poke the bear. This could mean anything from doing that survey on the U.S. Post Office receipt because the person was rude or applying for better jobs because you need to move on. Anything that lets us express our […]

Me First

The other day, I wanted to go for a walk for exercise. It was a beautiful day, and I work from home, so getting out of the house and breathing in the outside air is a good thing. However, something happened, and I’m so glad it did because what I learned was life-changing. Let me […]

Flow Like Water

Did you ever notice how water flows during a rainstorm? It rushes down a hill with force, and if it runs into an object, it either goes around or on top of it. It’s fascinating to watch. Water does its own thing and will go where it wants to go. We have an old stone […]