Angels Hear the Singing

We want to believe that a higher power listens to us and that we receive what we want. We ask for good things. No one prays for bad things, right? At our core, most of us are good human beings.

After a while of praying and getting no response or help, we want to give up. There seems to be no one hearing our prayers, so what’s the point?

That’s not how faith works.

Source: My 2nd Heart Beat

If something isn’t working out, try harder. Angels hear the singing, so sing what you want. Yeah, I know it sounds weird, but I believe singing puts us on another level where we’re entertaining the angels. They like it. No matter what your voice sounds like, just sing. And pay attention to how you feel.

I love to sing. I don’t do it as much as I would like now, but when I do sing, I like to belt it out. I usually don’t. I sing songs I know and then make up songs. I love to create songs. I envision some of my songs in a musical. The lyrics sound like they could be in a musical. “I have a dream that ought to come true. I’ve worked so very long, it’s well overdue.” I know you can hear it. One day…

For now, I need to keep singing for the angels. They get hit up a lot for favors or help, especially the guardian ones. Some of them are wiped out. You know who you are, working them so hard they’re losing feathers from their wings. You better be singing to rejuvenate them. They enjoy it. So sing!

The point of this post is to show we sometimes need to come out of ourselves and just be in the moment. Be freaking silly. Sing goofy songs. Change the lyrics to songs you know and make them funny. My guy changed the lyrics from Fleetwood Mac’s song Everywhere from “I wanna be with you everywhere” to “I think I peed in my underwear.” I laugh just thinking about it.

Guess what? Laughing is good for us! Seriously. The Mayo Clinic put out an article “Stress Relief From Laughter? It’s No Joke.”  It’s short but packed with great information about the short and long-term benefits of laughing.

So, start singing and get giggling. It could very well change your mood around. But think of what you’re doing for the angels. They need it.  Angels hear the singing and love it!

Thank you for reading this. It’s a quirky one but my creative mind comes up with these ideas for a reason. I want to share what I believe helps us to live well. I would love to know the silly songs you sing. Write me a comment.

To Singing,
