A Big Life

I have this sign in my office. When I saw it at the store, I thought it would remind me to stop living in the past. I mean, thinking of the past is living there essentially, right? Because you’re feeling the same feelings as you felt when it happened. And feelings change everything.

Do you remember when you were young and you wanted something? You felt like it was already yours. You probably imagined how it would feel when you had it. Your feelings brought it to you.

We can do the same thing as adults. Just feeling something for what you want will bring it closer to your life. It’s weird, I know, but it’s the law of attraction. What we feel, we attract.

I think the problem that lies within most of us is that we don’t one hundred percent believe we deserve it. I know that’s what it is with me. Somewhere in my mind are the messages that told me I was not good enough, and until I changed them, I was stuck living a small life. We don’t want that, right? We want to live a big, fat, juicy life that rewards our efforts with ongoing good health, pain-free days, and doing what makes us happy.

These are my ideas on how we can achieve a big life:

  1. Use your imagination and visualize what you want. This does work. But you have to really see it in your mind. Be specific. Think of details.
  2. Feel what it’s like to have or do whatever you desire. (Always desire. Wanting is weak. Needing shows desperation.)
  3. Believe it is happening no matter what. This is tricky. You have to omit discouraging or negative thoughts, and we do this by thinking we deserve it. Build up your belief muscle through repetitive thoughts. It’s work, I know, especially if you’re exposed to a negative culture. Sometimes you have to sacrifice toxic relationships for your happiness and well-being. Rise above the negative things you were taught to believe. It’s the only way to get ahead on your life’s trail.
  4. Do some action for it. This is like telling the Universe (God), “Hey, I’m ready for this.” A good example is if you are thinking about moving. Go to the neighborhood you want to live in and see what it’s like there. Any schools? Parks? Is it quiet? Then research the housing market. Go to open houses, even if you’re not ready to move. You’re putting yourself on that vibration to attract what you want.
  5. Do more action.

Every one of us deserves to live a big life. It all comes down to how much work we want to put in. Nothing good comes easy, as my guy always tells me. He’s right. The stuff you work at makes you stronger, more resilient, and more confident.

Thank you for reading this. Happy Easter!

To a big life,


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1 year ago

Very true, and awesome advice.❤️